Million Money Review – NOT Good For You

Million Money Review

Welcome to my Million Money review.

In this post, we will take a close look at this program that claims to be a smart contract that is completely risk-free and impossible for you to lose money.

How exactly does it work? If it is impossible for everyone to lose money, then where do all the profits come from?

I am not promoting Million Money, not just because it is too good to be true, but more importantly because I find its operations too shady.

Let me present to you its detailed compensation plan, how it works to supposedly make you risk-free earnings, and all the red flags that are waving at me to stay away from this scheme.

Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!

Million Money Review Summary

Product: Million Money


Creator: Unknown

Product type: Ethereum gifting scheme disguised as a smart contract

Price: 0.03 ETH to start

Rating: 1 out of 5

Scam / Legit? : NOT legit

Recommended or not? : NOT recommended

Million Money is an illegitimate ethereum (ETH) gifting scheme that is designed for most people to lose money so that the creators and their loyal fans can make it big.

What is Million Money

To find out what is Million Money, let us first take a look at its website:

million money home page

Hailed as a smart contract, the product hides behind a sophisticated term in the ethereum industry that uses computer codes to provide a transparent, conflict-free way of implementing agreements.

Running Million Money as a smart contract does not make it risk-free and guaranteed not to lose money for members.

In fact, the compensation structure guarantees most people to be losing money, as I will explain in greater detail in the next section.

“The fastest, easiest and most risk-free way to earn 1,500 ETH every 100 days” would have many people signing up in a hurry, but I’m so glad you are digging around for more information before committing your hard-earned money to this.

Without any retail products or services, this program fails the FTC test for legitimacy of MLM (multilevel marketing) businesses straight up.

The only thing you will sell if you join Million Money is its membership. Now, let’s learn how that works.

How Million Money Works

Joining Million Money

To join Million Money, you pay 0.03 ETH, which converts into US$6.79 (based on the current exchange rate, at the time of this writing).

Two-tiered 2×5 matrix

That puts you at the top of a 2×5 matrix.

Under you, it branches out into two positions to be filled, at level 1.

Each of these positions further branch into another two, giving a total of 4 positions at level 2.

This goes on until we have 32 positions at level 5 to be filled.

Once level 5 is complete, you will be cycled through the same matrix structure again, this round for levels 6 to 10.

This is what you pay at each level, and what you get to earn:

Pay 0.03 ETH to earn at level 1 – earn 0.03 ETH for each of the 2 positions

Pay 0.05 ETH to earn at level 2 – earn 0.05 ETH for each of the 4 positions

Pay 0.1 ETH to earn at level 3 – earn 0.1 ETH for each of the 8 positions

Pay 0.4 ETH to earn at level 4 – earn 0.4 ETH for each of the 16 positions

Pay 1.0 ETH to earn at level 5 – earn 1.0 ETH for each of the 32 positions

Pay 2.5 ETH to earn at level 6 – earn 2.5 ETH for each of the 2 positions

Pay 5.0 ETH to earn at level 7 – earn 5.0 ETH for each of the 4 positions

Pay 10 ETH to earn at level 8 – earn 10 ETH for each of the 8 positions

Pay 20 ETH to earn at level 9 – earn 20 ETH for each of the 16 positions

Pay 40 ETH to earn at level 10 – earn 40 ETH for each of the 32 positions

To remain in the matrix, the payment for the level that you are at is a recurring one, every 100 days.

Something noteworthy is that if a partner (someone under you in your matrix) upgrades to a higher level before you do, such that you are not in the position to receive their gifting, then you will lose that earning. It goes up to whoever you should have bought the higher level from.

Now, although this looks like a fantastic way to earn lots of money, let me explain the real situation you will encounter if you jump right in.

Red Flags in Million Money

1. The matrix is designed for most people to lose money

0.03 ETH is a small sum that most people can afford. And it might be rather easy to find two people around you who may be interested in this.

So they fork out 0.03 ETH each, gifted to you. You then use 0.05 ETH out of the 0.06 ETH to get yourself onto level 2.

But don’t forget the 0.03 ETH you paid for level 1.

So as it stands, you are still falling short by 0.02 ETH.

Now, to fill up the 4 positions at level 2, it may not be that easy anymore. You see, out of your own social circle, you would be lucky to find a small handful that would buy into this ethereum gifting scheme.

People can see through it for what it is.

Moreover, even if you manage to fill up those 4 positions, you earn 0.2 ETH, out of which 0.1 ETH goes to pay for entrance into level 3.

With 8 positions to fill at this level, it gets pretty tough, to say the least.

And when the 100 days is up, you would have to pay up another 0.1 ETH to keep yourself in the matrix. There goes all your earnings.

Even though a positive attitude brings us far in life, it has to be balanced with calculated risks and a healthy skepticism towards anything that seems too good to be true.

In a pyramid structure like Million Money, when someone earns, many more people have to lose. Money does not just fall from the sky.

2. No products

This is a huge problem, because it is the deciding factor for the legitimacy of any business.

Without a product, what you are paying for is a hope to make money out of this. What is worse is when people believe the Million Money’s guarantee that “it is impossible to lose money”.

3. No information about the founder

If I were to create a business without offering any product or service, I wouldn’t have dared to reveal my true identity too.

4. The real winners are the founders

This is a zero-risk business for the founder and his or her ardent followers. Oh, they do risk going to jail. But the chances are small because there are too many huge businesses that the law enforcers are busy going after.

The moment Million Money came into operation, its founders started profiting. No cost incurred, no risk involved. They are the ones guaranteed not to lose money.

These are also the expert internet marketers (including their followers) who are able to reach out to a massive group of targeted audience on the internet.

They will be filling their matrices in no time, not by trying to refer their friends and family, but by knowing where to find people on the internet who are already interested in such schemes.

So yes, they are making the big bucks. But it is at the expense of countless innocent people who just want to succeed too, but lack the know-how to do this, and are blinded by the huge earning potential that is sold to them.

To round up this article, let me recap and summarize the pros and cons, before I finally make my conclusion.

Pros of Million Money

1. Possible to make money

I can show you how you can possibly make money with Million Money. But I’m NOT suggesting you do it, because many others will have to suffer in order for you to profit.

You see, take my website as an example. The fact that you have landed on here shows that I am able to show up to people who are searching for information about Million Money.

If I did not have my moral compass guiding me, I could have easily turned this into a raving review about Million Money, and convinced people to join me.

On the internet, if you want to make the real money, it’s about showing up to people who are looking for the exact stuff that you are offering.

With this high income skill that gets you an explosive amount of targeted traffic, you can sell anything you want. And of course I hope you will only promote legitimate, great-quality products that will really benefit your audience.

Anyone can do this. I’m just a stay at home mom, and I have done it.

See the exact path I took to build up my online business.

Cons of Million Money

1. Most people lose money

It is simple mathematics. For you to earn $2, two people have to lose $1 each.

For you to earn $375,914 every 100 days (as claimed by Million Money), I cannot imagine how many people have to lose.

2. No product

Money is exchanging hands and yet there is no value that the customer is getting out of what he or she paid for. It is just not right.

Is Million Money Scam or Legit?

Million Money is an ethereum gifting scheme that is not even legal.

Similar programs include FOMO5K, Instant Cash Solution, Too Damn Easy, Press 1 Cash, Newbies On FireProsperity Income NetworkEmail Processing HomebizDoubleWayInfinite Increasing Income, and Easy 1 Up, to name just a few.

An Alternative

Everyone wants to be rich, but guess who will make it?

It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I mean, find me someone who doesn’t want to get rich fast, and with minimum effort.

I wasn’t spared of all the temptations on the internet, hopping from one shiny object to the next.

But when I realized those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.

I found a dull-looking object, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. And from then on, I have never looked back.

An honest, down-to-earth method that will get you there. It’s not going to be easy, but it will get you there.

Versus the fast and easy way to empty your pockets and get you nowhere.

Which would you choose?

I am now working full time from home, growing my internet business, and making an online income. I started from scratch with zero knowledge in this area. If I can do it, you can, too.

Here’s a peek into my daily earnings:

That’s almost $200 in just one single day. It’s nothing to boast about, though, as it’s just a small fraction of its full potential. I just wanted to show you the possibilities.

Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners:

This real deal does not promise instant results.

Instead, it provides the knowledge and lifelong skills required to grow a successful online business.

And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:

If you have any concerns or questions regarding this Million Money review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.

2 thoughts on “Million Money Review – NOT Good For You”

  1. Awesome review, You are unbiased. You show us that you care about people not about the share… is how an entrepreneur/internet marketer should be. Keep up the good work. Thbank you for sharing.


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