Have you recently received this in your post box, or just heard about it, and are wondering what is Too Damn Easy? Is it going to scam you of your hard-earned money, or is it your break to financial freedom?
Welcome to my Too Damn Easy review.
This program is a cash gifting scheme, which is a type of pyramid scheme. It is illegal in many countries around the world, as there is no real product or service that is being sold.
Join me in this honest and in-depth review of Too Damn Easy, as I walk you through the model in which it runs, and show you all the red flags that are screaming at you to hang on tight to all your money.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!
Too Damn Easy Review Summary
Product: Too Damn Easy
URL: http://toodamneasy.com/
Creator: “Q”
Product type: cash gifting pyramid scheme
Price: $2400 to $100K
Scam / Legit? : NOT Legit
Recommended or not? : NOT recommended
Too Damn Easy is a cash gifting pyramid scheme with no product or service attached to it. It is an unethical scheme that exploits people’s hopes of earning more than what they fork out of their own pockets. Hence it is deemed illegal in many countries across the world.
Do not get involved in this program, as there are too many red flags and it is highly likely that you will lose all your thousands of dollars.
If you are tired of scams, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:
Read on for the detailed review of Too Damn Easy, and why I strongly recommend to stay away from it.
What is Too Damn Easy
To find out what is Too Damn Easy, let’s first take a look at its website.

This guy calls himself “Q”, who made the video, is so weird. Apparently he is the person behind Too Damn Easy, and he calls himself the cash gifting expert.
One thing that bothered me a lot was that he had never dared to appear in front of the camera.
You’d only hear his voice, but nobody knows how he looks like.
This, in itself, is a HUGE red flag. Why should he have to hide if this were a legitimate program? This says a lot about Too Damn Easy, doesn’t it?
And the entire video is so bizarre, he spends all that time counting his 600 pieces of $100 notes, with his counting machine, just to prove to his audience that he really has $60,000 in cash and can simply pay in full for a new car and drive it off if he wants to.
He can make your yearly salary in one day. Wonderful.
And has to hide for his whole life? Not a bad deal, if that’s the way he chooses to live his life.
But if you join the program, that is where your money will go: to him.
How exactly does Too Damn Easy work?
The concept is very simple. You pay to play the game. You pay to your upline (the person who refer you to the program).
That qualifies you to start earning when people use your referral code to join the program.
Essentially it is a pyramid scheme, based solely on recruitment. The twist to this is that all payments are made in hard cash, mailed out in envelops. There are no electronic transactions. Hence the term cash gifting.
How it all starts is when you receive a postcard from someone in the email inbox. Or someone you know tries to convince you to sign up for this golden opportunity.
You will mail out the hard cash required to join at any level of membership.
Membership levels in Too Damn Easy
These are what you have to pay for each membership level:
Red level – $2,000
Green level – $4,000
Black level – $12,000
Purple level – $100,000
On top of these, you also have to pay a $100 team leader bonus, and another $300 membership fee.
It is no small sum! The least you have to pay to get onto the program is a whooping $2,400. To be mailed out in hard cash to somebody you do not know, and then wait for another person to send the same to you.
Do you think enough people will buy into this to help you make a yearly income in one day? How is that even possible?
And how does “Q” come into the picture? How does he get to make his stacks of $100 notes?
The $300 membership fee will go to him, presumably, as well as every 5th cash gift from your referrals.
How do you get your referrals?
Having made the payment to get onto the program, what you need to do next is to go onto their website, enter the referral code of your upline, in order to download a postcard which will have your referral code on it.
Then you simply blast this in an email, to whoever you can reach out to. It can be your own contact list, or by buying email leads from companies that sell them, etc.
Then you simply sit and wait for your cash to appear in your post.
Hmmm, I’m pretty sure people who received your email blast, especially those who have no idea who you are at all, will all be clambering to mail $2K to you, yes?
Other websites related to Too Damn Easy
These other sites either direct to Too Damn Easy, or are very similar programs:
Why you should be wary of Too Damn Easy
Nobody knows who “Q” is
The biggest red flag is that the person running this scheme is hiding his identity. If he does not dare to come clean with who he is, I don’t see any reason to trust him. You will be putting yourself at a huge financial and legal risk if you believe everything he says.
There is no guarantee you will make any money out of this
What if out of the thousands of leads that you blast the postcard email to, not a single soul buys into this? Then how are you going to recoup the $2.4K (or more, if you decide to take higher levels of membership)?
Cash gifting pyramid scheme is illegal
If “Q” ever gets caught, you may be implicated by the law, since this is an illegal scheme.
It is exploitative and unethical
Pyramid schemes are created such that at any one time, there is a largest number of people who are making losses. If there are people earning, the money has to come out of the pocket of many others.
When recruitment comes to a standstill due to saturation, the scheme will shut down as it cannot sustain itself anymore. At any time that it shuts down, the majority of members, those right at the bottom of the pyramid, will be suffering huge losses that they will forever be unable to recover.
As soon as “Q” started the scheme, he would already be making money. The longer this is sustained, the more money he will make. At the end of the day, he will be the one laughing the hardest on his way to the bank, at the expense of many innocent people.
So no matter what, do not support such a scheme.
The proper way to make money online
There are too many honest ways to make an online income, you just have to know where to look.
The bottom line is: making money online will never be easy. People who tell you it’s too damn easy are trying to scam you.
I guess everyone starts off wanting to make it rich fast and by doing little work. It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I wasn’t spared of all the temptations on the internet myself.
But when I realised those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.
I found a dull-looking object, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. From then on, I have never looked back.
I am now working full time from home, growing my internet business, and making an online income. I started from scratch with zero knowledge in this area. If I can do it, you can, too.
Here’s a peek into my earnings on a recent day:

As you can see, more than $100 a day is very do-able. And this is not even at its maximum potential yet, I’m still growing this business every single day.
Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners. The best part is, you get to start for free:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
To round up this article, let me recap and summarise the pros and cons, before I finally make my conclusion.
Pros of Too Damn Easy
1. There is a small possibility you can make money off it
Especially if you had gone in at the right time, you would have had a higher chance of making more money out of this scheme.
As it stands now, I just do not know when this scheme is going to collapse. So if you are still going to take the risk, please make sure it is with money that you can afford to lose totally.
Cons of Too Damn Easy
1. It’s not so easy to find some really gullible people who will buy into this
You must bank on Lady Luck being on your side, if you expect anyone to just send off cash of at least $2K to your post box.
2. Pyramid scheme is illegal
You may get implicated by the law, so I still want to urge my readers not to do this.
3. It is an unethical scheme
You have to exploit innocent people, making them believe that they can get something out of this, by paying you first.
Is Too Damn Easy Scam or legit?
I can’t exactly call Too Damn Easy a scam, because you can possibly earn from it. But for sure, it is not legitimate in the eyes of the law. “Q” knows this, that is the exact reason why he is in hiding.
This scheme will do society more harm than good, just like these other programs I have reviewed: Cents for Freedom, Six Figure Stamp Club, and 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle, to name just a few.
Find a trodden path that has been taken by successful people making money on the internet. Learn the ropes, implement what you learn, and stick with it until you see results.
This is the formula for success. There is no secret to it.
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If you have any concerns or questions regarding this Too Damn Easy review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.