Is Making Money Online for Real? My Honest Answer

Is Making Money Online for Real

Is making money online for real?

As in passive income kind of money?

I’m not referring to online freelancing work where you exchange time for money.

Of course those are perfectly legitimate, and allow you to put bread on the table. Writing gigs, data entry work, website design assignments, etc. Those give you an immediate source of income. There’s no question about it.

What I’m discussing in this article refers to passive income that will serve you well for many years down the road, after all the hard work you put in at the beginning.

The good news: YES, it is for real. It is very possible to make a full-time income (and beyond) online.

The bad news: you won’t get there with just a few months of work.

When people around me learnt that I was trying to make money online, most shook their heads or just kept quiet politely. They didn’t think I was going to make it.

That is how most people view the online world. They have tried and failed. What makes me think that I can be any different?

Well, I didn’t think about whether or not I could make it.

All I thought about was: I WANTED to make it.

Badly enough.

Which also means: no matter what it takes and how long.

And the rest is history.

This whole make money online stuff has clicked for me.

Now I hope to help you reach the same realization by pointing out the mental blocks that are stopping people from reaching their online income goals.

The 3 mental blocks that are stopping you from making real money online

1. Shiny object syndrome

I guess this needs no introduction.

We are all too familiar with it. It is the lazy voice in us (I’m no exception), the one that craves instant gratification without wanting to move a finger.

Silence that voice, for it makes our (usually clever) mind stupid.

And makes us vulnerable to unethical opportunists.

There is no secret formula to success.

It is all out there – trodden paths that successful internet marketers have taken.

It comes down to
– choosing a proven method,
– blocking out all that chaos on the internet,
– settling down your mind,
– getting to work, and
– sticking with it until you see results.

2. What is your ‘WHY’

Why do you want to make money online? What is that compelling reason?

To prove your worth?
To provide for your family and give them a better life?
To find more quality time with your loved ones?
To bring your work anywhere while you travel the world?

Whatever your reason, it has to be your driving force, something that keeps you going even in the toughest times.

And believe me when I say things will get tough when you are trying to make money online.

My ‘why’ has to be my kids. I want to be the first person they see when they get off from school. I want to be there when they are bursting to share their stories about the day. I want to alleviate their suffering with natural remedies when health gets in the way of their lives.

So, what is your ‘WHY’?

3. It’s a marathon

If you’re looking to get rich quick, then this is the wrong place.

In fact, danger lurks everywhere if you have a get-rich-quick mentality.

It is easy to earn a few bucks on the internet. But if you’re thinking about making a sustainable full-time income, then you have to treat it as what it is – an online business.

You should expect to put in those hours, invest in your learning, and take action every single day to lay a solid foundation for your business.

The groundwork is essential if you want to continue reaping the rewards years down the road.

So how long is this marathon?

Here is the short answer:

You can expect to earn
– a trickle of revenue by 6 months
– a consistent part time income in one year
– a full time income in 1.5 to 2 years

No one can guarantee you will achieve this. On the other hand, some may progress at a much faster rate than this.

No one can tell for sure, as there are too many variables. But from what I have seen, this is the average in the online world.

I know it may be disheartening, but the purpose of this article is not to deflate you.

This is the reality.

It sets you up for success if you begin your online journey with realistic expectations, so that you gear yourself up for the long haul – emotionally, mentally, and financially.

Which means you do need another income source that will put a roof over your head today as you build up this asset for your future income.

With the most important stuff – mindset out of the way, I believe we’re now on the same page if you’re still reading this.

Now, let’s talk strategy.

Of all the ways that people make money online today, content marketing is the best.

4 thoughts on “Is Making Money Online for Real? My Honest Answer”

  1. Now, these days you find on the internet, the words make money online, and it’s severe.
    Of course, everybody wants to change life to have financial freedom if you would say.

    There are scams out there baiting with their words of an overnight success, promises of a million in a short period.
    Though there’s no such overnight success, you need to work hard to tackle that success.

    I agree with you to make money online is real if you put hard works that reap in the future.

    Thank you for this insight.

    • Hi Lyn,
      Thank you for dropping by. Yes, you’re so right that the internet can be a dangerous place if we’re just looking for the fastest and easiest way to make money online. It simply does not exist.

  2. Hi Joo, this is so helpful to me as I too have commenced this online journey , so your post really resonates with me and I’m excited to click on the next link and find out more. Thanks for the info. I’m going to implement some of your strategies.

    • Hi Sass,
      Thank you for dropping by and leaving a note. 🙂
      Yes, do set long term goals for success. Daily, weekly and monthly goals are important but keep them task-oriented. Results are often not within out control, but have faith that results will come as long as you consistently put in the hard work.

      You have a great weekend ahead!


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