What is SuperLife World? In this review of this nutritional supplements MLM company, you will find everything you want to know.
From its nutritional products quality to its compensation plan and my opinion of your chances of success with it, here you will get all the information you need to make an informed decision about this business opportunity.
Is SuperLife World making bold claims about its supplements that it could get into trouble for?
It seems that one is not able to purchase its products off its website. The prices are not even listed. What does that mean for you?
Follow me as I walk you through the ins and outs of the business, with my own analysis of it, which will hopefully help you consider a more balanced view, amidst the hype and glamour portrayed by SuperLife World and all its affiliates.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!
- What is SuperLife World
- Product line
- Customers’ feedback
- How to join SuperLife World
- Compensation plan
- How SuperLife World may or may not work for you
- Pros and cons
- An alternative
SuperLife World Review Summary
Product: SuperLife World
URL: https://superlifeworld.com/
Creator: Lai Tek Kean
Product type: MLM company in the nutritional supplements niche
Price: $65 to $1170 membership (which includes product packages)
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : NOT recommended
SuperLife World has legitimate products, except that they do not seem to focus on marketing them to retail customers.
Its nutritional supplements are bundled with its membership, with higher membership levels leading to greater earning potential.
With a strong emphasis on recruitment rather than retail, I do not recommend this MLM company as a business opportunity. It definitely will not be an easy task to make an income out of this, unless you have a ready network of targeted leads who will be excited about being recruited into your team.
What is SuperLife World
A brief background of SuperLife World
Based in Malaysia, SuperLife World was started in 2017.
CEO and Founder, Lai Tek Kean, envisions to revolutionize the industry of direct sales.
In the short two years that it has been in business, SuperLife World has already expanded into more than 20 countries worldwide, with more than half of its website traffic originating from Nigeria (instead of its home country Malaysia).
On its FAQ page, what strikes me is how it attempts to shift the balance from recruitment towards retail, claiming that there is no direct correlation between the number of recruits and compensation, which seems rather far-fetched.

Anyone with some basic understanding of the MLM industry will know that the more people you recruit, the greater your earnings.
Hence it seems like SuperLife World is shooting itself in the foot with its FAQ section.
Before we examine this further, let’s first take a look at the products offered by the company.
SuperLife World Product Line
The 3 main nutritional supplements are: SuperLife Total Care, Colon Care, and Immune Care.
SuperLife Total Care 30
STC30 prides itself as the origin of stem cell in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

This is a very bold statement indeed, something that the authorities may not be too happy with. I was rather surprised to see it, as I would have thought nutritional companies would be more careful about the health claims they make, with so many preceding court cases of such nature.
Anyway, SuperLife World then goes on to provide a comprehensive and impressive write up of the ingredients in STC30, which includes
– blackcurrant juice powder
– bilberry extract
– glisodin (cantaloupe extract)
– Vitis Vinifera (cell extract from grapes)
– Phytocelltec Malus Domestica (liposomal preparation of apple stem cells)
SuperLife Colon Care 15
SCC15 enhances the health of your colon and promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut.
Its essential ingredients include
– corn soluble fiber
– chlorophyll
– amla extract
– green apple powder
– beet root powder
– aloe vera powder
– astaxanthin
– grape seed powder
– milk thistle extract
– psyllium husk powder
– probiotics and multivitamins
SuperLife Immune Care
SIC boosts your immunity with a proprietary blend of:
– wild AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae cyanobacteria)
– snow algae extract
– spirulina extract
– astaxanthin
– chicory fiber
– moringa
– chlorophyll
– coenzyme Q10
– guarana extract
– vitamin B complex
– mixed berries
SuperLife World Product Quality and Feedback
Personally, I am not one who buys into supplements. I believe nature provides for us in abundance, in whatever state the vegetables and fruits are already in, those are meant for our bodies to derive the maximum healing benefits from.
But of course, that’s just me and my opinion.
I am sure there are many people who can vouch for how certain nutritional supplements have changed their lives.
The thing with SuperLife World is that I am unable to find unbiased feedback about its products’ quality from retail customers. There are positive reviews scattered all over the internet, though, presumably by its affiliates. So I would really take them with a pinch of salt.
Ultimately, no matter what product you are going to promote, you need to try it out for yourself, and be convinced of its benefits and the wonders it can do for you. Without a passion for what you are trying to sell, people can easily sense it if you are in it solely for the money.
SuperLife World Business Opportunity
SuperLife World does not seem to provide official documents for its business opportunity on its website. The information presented here is gleaned from various distributor websites.
How to become a SuperLife World Distributor
These are the four membership packages that you can buy into.
Starter package – $65 (1 box of SuperLife products)
Star package – $125 (2 boxes of SuperLife products)
Supreme package $480 (8 boxes of SuperLife products)
Super package – $1170 (20 boxes of SuperLife products)
Each box contains 15 sachets of STC30.
How to make money with SuperLife World
Just as with any other MLM opportunity, there are two main ways to make money with SuperLife World – through retail commission by selling the products at retail price, and through recruitment commission and other bonuses by getting people to sign up as a distributor under your team.
Retail commission
You will get to earn retail commission by selling off (at retail price) the SuperLife products that you bought through the membership packages.
The unavailability of a retail sales channel on SuperLife World’s website signals a lack of focus on the retail aspect of the business.
Customers who would like to try the products would inadvertently face a sales pitch by the distributor they encounter, enticing them to sign up the membership packages so that they can get the products at a lower price, and at the same time get to promote it.
Because of this, I do not recommend anyone to join SuperLife World.
For any business to be sustainable, even one running on the MLM model, products have to be the main focus, and not recruitment.
Only with great quality products that really sell on its own merits will the business add value to customers, by meeting a real demand.
When people buy into a program mainly for its earning potential, the growth of the business will reach a premature plateau, as there is a limit to the number of people who would join any MLM company.
Recruitment commission
Since there are various membership packages, the higher priced the package that you buy into, the greater your earning potential when you recruit others into the program.
As a starter member
You earn $12.50 for recruiting a starter member, $15 for recruiting a star member, $30 for a supreme member, and $40 for a super member.
As a star member
You will earn $15 for recruiting a starter member, $30 for a star member, $60 for a supreme member, and $80 for a super member.
As a supreme member
You will earn $15 for recruiting a starter member, $30 for a star member, $140 for a supreme member, and $160 for a super member.
As a super member
You will earn $15 for recruiting a starter member, $30 for a star member, $140 for a supreme member, and $350 for a super member.
Other earnings tied to recruitment
Beyond these, there are other commissions and bonuses, which I will not be getting into the details here.
There are residual commissions, binary compensation structure, key-in bonus, etc.
It suffices to know that the more recruits you bring into the company, the higher your earnings will be. And it seems that this is the main focus of SuperLife World’s affiliates sales pitches all over, with merely a slight hint at retail commissions, if any.
I definitely wouldn’t call this company a pyramid scheme, but from the looks of how things are at the moment, SuperLife World seems to have a slant towards it.
Why SuperLife World may not work for you
Firstly, it may not be easy to convince people about the efficacy of its products, especially since its write up on STC30 highlights human stem cells, but the best you can find in its products are plant stem cells, if any.
To ride on big terms in medical and health sciences, when its supplements may not be much different from those manufactured by other nutritional companies, is not something that I personally condone.
Another important point is that there seems to be no easy access to the products for retail customers who only want to try them out without getting involved in the business opportunity.
To me, this is a red flag that says the company is more concerned about its own profits than whether its distributors get to benefit from it or not.
Recruiting is so much harder than retailing products, which will sell themselves if consumers can see value in them.
These days, many people are skeptical of anything MLM. People have realized how these incentive structures are created to work for the founder and his team, and those who had jumped on the bandwagon early enough.
For the rest of the distributors at the lower ranks, the chances of profiting are minute, to say the least. According to a report found on the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) website, 99% of MLM participants will not make money.
To round up this article, let me recap and summarize the pros and cons, before I finally make my conclusion.
Pros of SuperLife World
1. New company
Being relatively new, this means it is more likely than not that SuperLife World is still in its growth stage. Hence it is possible to make some money from it, if you have a robust network that is open to MLM opportunities.
2. Evergreen niche
The health and nutrition niche is an evergreen one that will never go out of fashion. That is also exactly why it is such a competitive niche too.
Some examples of MLM companies in the same niche include Jeunesse, Emris, 4Life, and NeoLife, to name just a few.
Cons of SuperLife World
1. Pay to play pricing scheme
The higher membership package level that you buy into, the greater your earning potential once you start recruiting others into your team.
Hence even though $65 for a starter member package may not seem like a big sum to pay, the earnings are small too.
2. Focus on recruitment
For any MLM opportunity that focuses on recruitment, you will recoup your initial investments only after you have signed up a significant number of members into your team.
The thing is, this kind of scheme is not sustainable, as most people do not have the resources, network and marketing know-how to find targeted leads. Hence the drop-off rate is extremely high.
It also means that all the time and effort you spent convincing prospects to join the company tend to go down the drain once they discover it is not going to work for them and simply fade away from the scene silently.
3 Family and friends start to shun you
Relationships will likely start to suffer if you target family and friends, trying to sell SuperLife World products to them, or trying to rope them into the business.
Is SuperLife World Scam or legit?
SuperLife World is a legitimate MLM company in the nutritional supplements niche.
With bold health claims that have not been verified, as well as a focus on recruitment that may not work to your advantage, I wouldn’t recommend this as a business opportunity.
An Alternative
At this point, allow me to humbly show you what I am doing to make money from home.
It has nothing to do with multilevel marketing. So I do not have to recruit a single soul. Neither do I have to pay to play.
This method sends me traffic that is looking for what I am promoting, instead of me having to persuade people to try out something they are not even looking for.
In other words, customers come knocking at my door on the internet space, literally.
If you want to know how this model works exactly, you have to check this out:
And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this SuperLife World review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.
Hi Joo I can’t find the email you sent me when I click on the box about FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online not in my spam. Can sent me the simple step to make money online?
Hi David, I have sent it, apologies for my late reply.
If you still don’t receive it, try signing up for the free pdf again.
That should automatically put you into my mailing system again.
I can tell you that the product called STC30 works at different rates for different people. I have seen the results first hand. With that said, I share your concerns about the business model the company has adopted which is a contradiction to what they outline on their FAQ page and what they do in practice. In the zoom calls and hotel meetings, they push recruitment…always. I just do not see how that is sustainable and I have been focusing on retail sales of late. My upline stopped supporting me when I changed direction. Really sad.
I am just hoping that they will make the shift towards an emphasis to retail sales soon. It will be a pity to let the structure with good products collapse!
As for the FDA, I cannot speak for that as I am in Africa and in my country, such products are regulated.
Thank you for your review. It validates some things.
Thank you Lewis. Appreciate your time in sharing your experience here with us.
The thing is, most recruited members DONT SELL ANYTHING (their product). They just recruit MORE and MORE members! (MOST are still very young.)
How can this business model be sustainable? If the affiliates are earning money, the company is LOSING Money!
“For any business to be sustainable, even one running on the MLM model, products have to be the main focus, and not recruitment!”
Even though it is a legit and registered company.
Yes, I completely agree with you. If an MLM company’s focus is on recruitment, it puts distributors at a disadvantage.
Thanks a lot for this.. But am more concerned about the ranges in price, some sell higher while others sell lower, e.g I have 3 different prices, 20k, 22k and 25k for a pack.. I hope they’ve not started faking the product..am just confused here🤔🤔🤔
Hi Jane, I have seen distributors of other MLM companies offering products are varied prices, so I guess it’s quite a normal thing in the industry, especially when some might be trying to cut their losses.
I don’t think STC 30 is US FDA approved. US FDA normally approves drugs. Food & Drug Administration. STC 30 is not a drug. I do see why folks are weary. Most of the testimonies are from Nigeria or other African country. I have yet to see a testimony from the US, UK or even Canada. I bought a 2 month supply to try the product. I will be checking my sugar levels, & blood pressure to see if there is any significant change for the better.
Harold, you’re absolutely right. It is not under the purview of the US FDA to approve non-drug dietary supplements.
I hope it helps your health condition, but do let your doctor know you’re taking it.
STC 30 is US FDA approved. Check the news column in the company’s website.
I also have testimonies from people in the UK, Canada or US. The personal latest one was Stage 4 cancer in the US drying up after 2weeks.
Search on Facebook for SUPERLIFE pages from those parts of the world and you will find them.
Hi, US FDA does not approve dietary supplements, only drugs.
I can’t find anything under the news column of their website that says they are US FDA approved.
Would you like to link to the exact article here?
Thanks Joo! It’s true that US FDA has not approved this products. Your research of information is quite valuable (and verifiable).Thanks for taking your time to do these. Am sure you have saved many of us.
Hey Lewis,
I’m glad this article has been useful to you.
Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment here. I really appreciate it.
Would like to join but need to double confirm first as to whether Super Life World has obtained his AJL licence from KPDNKK for the MLM business
Hi Aishah,
Sorry, I’m not familiar with the acronyms you’ve mentioned.
Let’s see if some representative from SuperLife World is able to answer your question.
Hi aishah im izzat from malaysia..and i think u are too…im rarely on this page so u can ask me about that in my Instagram account which is @irfanizzat71…please contact me there
Hi, are there any clinical trials.
Like you said the Web is full of praise, probably agents.
I stumbled on your blog, searching for the efficacy of this product.
In South Africa it is very expensive R2400.00 for 2 boxes, to be used per month, plus this is promotion price. Normal price
R 3400.00!. Thanks.
Hi, it doesn’t seem like there have been any clinical trials for the products, which is mostly the case for MLM companies. Even for those that claim to have lab reports, those are usually run in-house by their own research and development teams, instead of being third party testing.
Someone has asked me to join and try ST30 but I want someone to tell me that it actually works on cancer patients as I was sent a graphic picture of someone with mouth cancer and which did not really convince me.
Hi Juliet,
Sorry I’m not able to answer this, as I do not know anyone personally who has had SuperLife products help with their cancer conditions. We will see if any readers here can help with your question.
I am a superlife beneficiary, i earn from home. I sell Stc30 on retails. I don’t preach what i don’t know. There are so many scammers out there looking for a way to eat your money but Superlife isn’t one of them. You free to reach me using my email contact: [deleted]
Hi Wisdom,
It’s great that you are earning with SuperLife World based on retail.
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us, we appreciate it.
(I have removed your email, for your privacy)
I second you Wisdom. Superlife is a very genuine Company
Very clearly the standard “New Age of Direct Sales” pyramid scam operation based in KL Malaysia…
The membership packages that you have to buy into.
Starter package – $65 (1 box of SuperLife products)
Star package – $125 (2 boxes of SuperLife products)
Supreme package $480 (8 boxes of SuperLife products)
Super package – $1170 (20 boxes of SuperLife products)
Recommended or not:….. certainly NOT recommended !
Hi Rogol,
Thank you for dropping by, and penning your opinion on SuperLife World here. Appreciate it.
I think it is most certainly a scam also
We can just buy the natural products.
Makes more sense to me
Hi sashina i have joined superlife..as far as i can tell..there is no acam in this company..u want to purchase the product only..yes you can…if you want to earn money while consume the product yes you can…if u dont earn money just wants the benefits from the product simply contact me
O i am more concern about the products effectiveness claims how does the product work where is it manufactured and is it FDA approved?
Hello, I work with SuperLife World, I am a beneficiary of it’s products. How does the products work? it works at the cellular level, the foundation of the body. Learn more about it, in our website. Where is the product manufactured? Mibelle Biochemistry, by a world renowned Dr Fred Zuli. Is it FDA approved? YES IT IS.
Hi Franklin,
Thank you for answering Anton’s questions.
When you say it is FDA approved, I don’t suppose you mean the U.S. FDA?
Because as far as I’m aware, they do not approve dietary supplements, which I believe is the category that SuperLife World products would fall under.
Refer to the U.S. FDA’s article here.
I just want to make things clear here, as I do not want my readers to go away with the misunderstanding that SuperLife World products are U.S. FDA approved.
If you’re referring to the FDA of any other country in which SuperLife is being marketed, then it is just part of the legislative process to get registered with the local authorities before any company can start selling their products there.
Hie Franklin. The issue here isn’t with the history or at least purported company history or that the company exists or not. The real question is DO THESE PRODUCTS REALLY WORK THE WAY THEY ARE SAYING IT WORKS???
Have you, yourself had any ailments that got cured?
hi wisdom,
did you heard about phytoscience..this superlife same as phyto, because the owner of superlife is brother to phytoscience CEO before. thy both using same product from same company which produce the product of stem cell.all supplement product are good, but superlife not focus in product thy focus in making money only, most of leader in superlife are from phytoscience member which are earn really gud in there previous, why thy left that company u just ask the leader in superlife malaysia.