They got it all wrong, because for 99% of the people, MLMs are really not the best way to make money from home.
Here is the report on the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) website that states these dismal figures.
That is to say, it is highly likely that your sponsor, who is trying to entice you into this life-changing opportunity, is not even seeing any profit herself.
If you are frustrated at how difficult it is to sell those expensive MLM products, or exasperated at how much time this is eating into your life with little to no results to show, then this article is for you.
Worse yet, if your financial resources are being depleted in chasing this dream that is in fact not your own, I guess this is a good time to take stock and consider shifting gears.
I have been sucked in before, and saw for myself what a bad bargain it was.
Why MLM did not work for me
First I had to pay to promote the company.
Then whatever hard work I put in did not earn me a fair share of renumeration.
The compensation plan was structured in a way that I had to work myself up the ranks before I could see any substantial earnings.
As if that wasn’t hard enough, people I recruited dropped out of the game faster than I could say ‘Jack Robinson’.
It isn’t difficult to see how difficult it is to succeed at any MLM business.
The odds are stacked against me, to say the least.
How is it a great opportunity when distributors are in reality the customers?
Having said these, I have no doubt that multilevel marketing schemes do work for some people – that 1%. If you’re one of them, I’m very happy for you, and I have no wish to engage in an argument with you.
It’s not about who’s right and who’s wrong. If it works for you, it is definitely right for you.
You could have joined the company at the right time. Or you could have found a successful sponsor who commited to training and empowering her team. Better yet, you could be extremely skilled in network marketing.
Many factors come into play.
Anyhow, I am not that fortunate. Neither am I good at face to face selling.
But at the same time, I am fortunate enough to have escaped reasonably unscathed, and emerged richer in self-awareness.
This, coupled with the need for something that allows me to work at home, so that I can be around my kids with some health issues, has led me to a perfect fit, which turns out to be more than what I could ever hope for.
This is what works for me
Pardon me if you have already seen this.
And forgive me if this feels like I’m trying to show off. $350 a day is nothing to boast about.
What I am trying to show you are the possibilities. I have done it, so can you.
And these figures are far from the full potential of this business model.
This can be a full time income for many.
What makes this so different from any MLM is that this is not an ‘opportunity’ that I hopped onto.
This is my very own internet business, with my own brand, my own marketing decisions, my full control.
It is something I built up from scratch, with my bare hands, after equipping myself with a set of high-income skills.
No one can take it away from me, and I am not subject to compensation plans dictated by others, which are obviously in their best interest, not mine.
If I may have the honor, allow me to walk you through what the entire business model is all about.
My best way to make money from home
It is called affiliate marketing.
What is affiliate marketing?
The concept is simple.
Leverage on the millions of existing products and services already available in the market, in a niche of your choice.
Promote those that are great and will add value to people who need them. When you bring these customers to the virtual doorstep of the companies, and a sale is made, you earn a commission.
No fees
With affiliate marketing, it is free to join any affiliate program you choose, and start promoting once you are approved.
You can promote multiple companies at the same time.
The vendors and companies see you as doing free advertising for them when you promote their brands and products.
They are more than happy for this type of partnership.
Only when a sale is made do they pay you a commission.
Compared to conventional advertising, where massive financial resources can be bled away without any returns, this model works perfect for companies.
And for you.
No face to face selling
With everyone doing their shopping online these days, that is where you need to be – online.
Face to face selling is too time-consuming, and does not allow you to scale up the business easily.
With affiliate marketing, which is an online business by its nature, your market is huge. In fact, it is global.
The key is to pick up high income internet marketing skills, specifically search engine optimization (SEO), that I will be discussing in a later section.
Once you master those skills, and understand how to tap on internet traffic to drive a targeted audience to your offers, the sky is the limit.
No recruiting
With affiliate marketing, you do not have to recruit a single person! Recruitment is not in the picture at all.
How beautiful is that?
No more meeting up with leads after working hours and during weekends, which only eats into your family time.
No more pestering your leads and facing rejections. No more having people to finally sign up only to have them drop off the ‘opportunity’ the very next month.
No passing up of earnings to others
In any MLM opportunity, all your effort earns you pennies, and the big bucks go to those at the top.
That is why to succeed, you need to work your way to the top, only then will you reap the fruits of your downline’s labor.
To get there, it will probably take eons.
With affiliate marketing, there is no hierarchy. In fact, there is no one else.
You can run it as a one man show, and you keep 100% of whatever commissions you earn.
Build your own dream, not others’.
Still hanging around? That’s great!
Now let’s see how we can bring these dreams into actualization.
4 steps to affiliate marketing
1. Choose an interest
Something you have some expert knowledge or experience in (something you studied, or something related to work you had done before).
Or it could be a passion or a hobby.
It can even be some personal issue that you faced or are facing, something that you had researched about in trying to solve some problem.
As long as there are sufficient people interested in the niche, you will be able to build a business out of it.
2. Build a website
This step may seem daunting if you have never done it before. I was once in your shoes.
But I found a platform, called Wealthy Affiliate, that has allowed me to create a website in 10 minutes, with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Let me show you.
It’s that simple. I build all my websites through Wealthy Affiliate, which has an in-built page builder, saving me all the hassle and head-banging that many other first-time website owners tend to go through.
3. Attract visitors
The real work starts here.
A website does nothing if nobody lands on it.
There are a few ways to get traffic to your website. You can pay for advertising. You can build a social following.
Or you can use the traffic method that I use, which is taught at Wealthy Affiliate. It is called free organic traffic.
Basically you build out your content such that your website is seen by search engines as an authentic and credible source of quality information, so it gets their trust.
When people search for stuff related to your niche, your website shows up in their search results.
Free organic traffic is the most sought-after, not only because it is free, but also as it is the most highly targeted. Visitors landing on your site are actively searching for your offers.
You are not shoving products into people’s faces when they do not need them.
You are meeting people’s needs, providing solutions to their problems, filling the gaps in their research before they make a certain purchase.
4. Earn revenue
This last step comes easy, because your website visitors have strong buyers’ intent. Already.
They just need a nudge to make that decision.
Why Wealthy Affiliate is the best training platform
1. World class training
The free organic traffic method taught at Wealthy Affiliate rocks.
And it works.
If not, you wouldn’t have landed on my website.
Many other affiliate training courses teach paid traffic, because that will get you results faster, provided you have thousands of dollars in excess cash to spare and are a risk-taker.
At Wealthy Affiliate, you will be taught everything you need to know to produce quality content on your website, so that search engines love it.
This free traffic method takes time and hard work.
But it pays off big time.
Because every single piece of content stays with you forever, and will continue to drive you an income months and years down the road.
It is the sustainable way to run an affiliate marketing business – by building a rock solid foundation that can support a skyscraper.
2. Tools – Hosting, Domain registrar, Website builder, Keyword research, Site speed, etc
EVERYTHING you need to run your website and your online business is there on Wealthy Affiliate.
From website hosting to registering for a domain name, from site speed to site security, they are all well taken care of.
The all important keyword research tool is made available to you as well, so that you know what your potential readers are searching for, and what the level of competition you face among other websites in the same niche is.
Then you can strategically target the right keywords so that you bring in the right traffic in great volume.
3. Resources – webinars, classroom tutorials
There is a set of core training within Wealthy Affiliate.
Beyond that, any member can create and add training in classroom tutorials to share their expertise and knowledge in specific areas.
It is a resource buffet that no one can ever finish consuming.
There are also weekly live webinars on endless topics related to affiliate marketing that are conducted by one of the most experienced affiliate marketers on the platform.
4. Community
Lastly, deciding to go on the entrepreneurship journey can be a lonely one. Especially when people close to me think I’m crazy.
Being part of a bustling community like Wealthy Affiliate, where I get to be around like-minded people, and see everyone build up their own affiliate marketing businesses, has played a pivotal role in my success.
If not for this, I would have given up after the initial months, and you wouldn’t have landed here.
When you see real people, sharing their real success stories and how they reached there, the struggles they faced and how they overcame them, you know you will get there too.
How much does Wealthy Affiliate cost?
The premium membership costs $49 per month.
But if you pay yearly, the discounted price works out to just about $30 per month. And that’s just $1 a day.
In fact, there is a free starter area with limited access to the training so that you can have a taste of how awesome it is, before you decide whether or not to take up the premium membership.
With the free starter membership, you can even get to build 2 websites absolutely for free. Wealthy Affiliate will host these sites for you, and it will be on their subdomain.
To be frank, the free members’ area only serves to let you get inside and see for yourself what the platform is like.
It will not be sufficient to send your business soaring. The training you get is not complete without the paid membership.
Once you get inside, it will not be too difficult to see it is the real deal.
If you are going down the path of affiliate marketing, then Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be at.
I became a premium member just a couple of days after stumbling upon Wealthy Affiliate and taking on its free membership.
This table compares the differences between the two.
You have to see it for yourself.
I will be your personal coach once you sign up through any of my Wealthy Affiliate links on this page. I will journey with you, provide guidance, answer any questions you have, and offer whatever help you need along the way.
Take this first step towards building your own dream.
Get your free account now, and I’ll see you on the inside!
Your friend,