What is NewsProfixPro, this latest software that claims to do all the work for you and get you free traffic? Does it really work? Or is it another waste of time and money?
Welcome to my NewsProfixPro review.
In your search to find out what this product is all about, you must have come across many raving reviews about it. If you take some time to go through those sites, you will come to realise that they promote every single product or program on there.
These are affiliate marketers who ride on each wave of product launch, using the hype from the marketing materials to mislead their readers into thinking there is easy money to be made, and that it is the last product you will ever need.
Here, you are assured of my honest and unbiased opinions, as I am not promoting this product.
We will examine how NewsProfixPro works exactly, and whether you will really get the free traffic as they claim. Is this free traffic going to earn you money? How? More importantly, we will discuss whether an automated income site is even the proper way to do things.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!
NewsProfixPro Review Summary
Product: NewsProfixPro
URL: http://www.getnewsprofixpro.com/discount
Creators: Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari
Product type: software to create affiliate marketing news site
Price: $22
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : NOT recommended
NewsProfixPro is a software that creates a news website for you, and automatically updates it with content, based on some keywords that you input. This is not a good way to run a site, as it will never rank on search engines, being made up entirely of duplicate content.
The free social media traffic that you get really depends on your own following. If you do not have a huge following to begin with, then your site will be pretty deserted. Even if you have a good following, free social media traffic does not convert well into buyers, as they do not have buyers’ intent when they go on those social media platforms.
If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on useless products, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:
Read on for the detailed review of NewsProfixPro, and why I do not recommend it.
What is NewsProfixPro
To find out what is NewsProfixPro, let’s first take a look at its home page:

Fully-automated self-updating sites sound really good. Or does it? I’ll explain later why it is actually not good for you.
You will get free traffic every single day, and you do not have to update these sites manually ever again!
The entire sales video is about how you do not have to do any work, to get free traffic to your news sites, and start earning passive income.
Simply in 3 steps:
- Enter your site name and some keywords to create your new site.
- Enter some relevant keywords to find relevant products on Amazon that can be promoted.
- Push one button and your site is ready to earn you commissions in a passive way that does not require any effort from you.
You can choose the sources of your articles, whether they be extracted from CNN, or ABC News, etc. You also get to fix the number of posts to go on your site every 24 hours.
To monetise the news site, you will use your affiliate links from Amazon, to promote products that are related to your chosen keywords. When people click on these links to buy a product, you earn a commission. That is affiliate marketing.
On top of these, the software automatically posts your content on 32 top social media sites, and that is how free traffic will be driven to your news site.
Things look good so far, but if this works, then wouldn’t everyone be able to quit their 9-to-5 job and just create news websites from home to earn a living? Have you ever heard of a single person making an income this way?
The story actually goes much deeper than what is presented on the sales page of NewsProfixPro. In the next few sections, I will be explaining why I personally will never go for such a software.
You need to get approved into the Amazon Associate Program
Amazon calls their affiliate program ‘Associate’, but it’s basically the same as any other affiliate program. I am in their affiliate program, not on this site but for another site of mine, so I know how things work with Amazon.
To get approved in their affiliate program, it is actually not so straightforward, though their requirement is very clear: your site must have solid content that serves to genuinely add value to help your readers.
Take a look at this:

Original content is key. With a news website that is generated by NewsProfixPro, I’m afraid there is just zero original content to talk about.
I’m sure you can apply for other affiliate programs, but because Amazon is specifically mentioned on their sales page, so I thought I should point out that it is not as easy as it seems.

The news site will never see the first page of search engine results
And precisely because there is no authentic content on your news site, it will never get ranked in search engine results, when people try to search for keywords that are related to your niche.
You may be thinking, you do not need those traffic from search engines, since the software in NewsProfixPro will be driving social media traffic to your news site.
Well, we will then examine why social media traffic is not the best when it comes to conversion rates.
Social media traffic will not convert well
Why do people go on social media? To catch up with friends, update about their own lives, join groups for topics that interest them, randomly and mindlessly click on stuff that catch their attention, and basically just to relax and unwind after a hard day at work.
People rarely go on social media with the purpose of buying stuff. When a person is ready to buy something that he or she is not too familiar with, the person will usually go on search engines to find reviews of the product, do some basic research about it, before parting with their money.
So who gets to make the commissions? It is those websites that people land on, when they search for stuff on the internet. That is why it is of paramount important to make sure your website gets ranked in the search engines.
And no software is going to do the job for you. Search engines hate duplicate content. To get their trust, you need to consistently create original content that your readers will interact with, find helpful, and thus trust you enough to take your recommendations, to buy through your affiliate links.
Having NewsProfixPro posting your content to 32 top social media sites is of no use. Where they are posting to is your own social media accounts. So if you do not have a huge following to start with, no traffic is coming to your site no matter how much the software posts.
Even if you have a following, your followers are going to get perturbed when you suddenly set up a news website out of the blue. They may look around a bit out of curiosity, but a site like that is never going to be comparable to established news websites. No one is going to come back to your site just to read the news and buy stuff.
They even host the site? No, thanks
When people offer to host a website for you on their server for free, just run away. If you do not pay for hosting, you do not own the site.
On fine day, they might say they are not able to run it for free anymore, they have to start charging a fee, then you will be at their mercy, because you would not want whatever you have built up on the site to go to waste.
Testimonials are by their friends
Look at the testimonials on their home page.

These are not real customers. These people are all in the same business of launching new product after product, creating hype with each launch, promising you instant earnings with minimum effort.
They make money through launching products, not through using NewsProfixPro. Then they give testimonials for one another’s products, to give them more credibility.
Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari themselves have launched numerous other products. If there is any one product that absolutely works, shouldn’t they be focusing on that one to add more value to their customers, improve on it, make it a big thing?
The fact is, their income dwindles as people realise the product they just bought is simply not delivering what it claims, so they will have to move on to create another product, mask it with yet another wave of hype.
Other products previously created by Jason and Mosh include AutoTraffiXPro, AffiliXPro, Viddx, Freedom Profits, and Fast Profit Jacker, to name just a few.
The proper way to build up a website
Forget NewsProfixPro. It is not made to work for you.
I guess everyone starts off wanting to make it rich fast. It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I was not spared of all the temptations on the internet myself.
But when I realised those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.
I found a dull-looking object, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. From then on, I have never looked back.
I am now working full time from home, growing my internet business, and making an online income. I started from scratch with zero knowledge in this area. If I can do it, you can, too.
Here’s a peek into my earnings on a recent day:

As you can see, more than $100 a day is very do-able. And this is not even at its maximum potential yet, I’m still growing this business every single day.
Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners. The best part is, you get to start for free:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of NewsProfixPro
1. Real owners
Mosh Bari and Jason Fulton are real people, at least willing to stand for their product, which is many times better than some product launchers who dare not even make an appearance and just want to get people’s money.
2. 30 day money back guarantee (only for technical issues)
Do take note that the money back guarantee is strictly for technical issues that they are not able to help you resolve. It is NOT a no questions asked type of refund policy. So be prepared that you will never get this money back, even if you are not satisfied with the product.
3. You do get your software
If it is what you want, a news site to just play around with, then this software will definitely be able to create it for you, with automatic content updates daily.
Cons of NewsProfixPro
1. Traffic are not ready buyers
Traffic landing on your news site will not be with buyers’ intent, as the purpose of going on social media sites is not to buy stuff, but to socialise, interact and catch up with friends and people of the same interests.
2. The news site will never get ranked
With duplicate content all over the site, you might as well not have it at all, because it is not going to work for you in terms of getting targeted organic traffic landing on the site.
3. Upsells
Just as with any other product that is created to dig deep into your pocket, this NewsProfixPro is no different. Just after you buy the front end product, you will be bombarded with these pricey upsells, making you feel like you are losing out on your profits if you do not get them.
Upsell 1: $67 – Unlimited profits
Upsell 2: $97 – 100x Advanced edition
Upsell 3: $297 – Done for you money sites
Upsell 4: $77 – Super traffic machine
Upsell 5: $197 – License rights
To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t be looking at any upsells at all, until the front end product can prove its own worth. Do not be pressurised by these sales tactics into thinking that you need these to reap the maximum benefits out of NewsProfixPro.
If the front end product cannot perform up to expectations, then the upsells can’t be any better.
Is NewsProfixPro Scam or legit?
NewsProfixPro is definitely a legitimate software, doing what it claims to do. But whether it will earn you the money, that is a completely different story altogether.
The bottomline here is: do not take anything that is done for you, because the creators of that product will make it work for themselves, not for you.
If you want to make some serious money online, then you have to do the work for yourself.
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If you have any concerns or questions regarding this NewsProfixPro review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.