Welcome to my Commission Hotshot review.
Can you really get to skip the hard work, and start earning commissions like $789 within 19 minutes?
Or will this be yet another product that under-delivers the moon that it promises? And leave you more frustrated than before you used it?
Join me in this honest and in-depth review of Art Flair and his team’s latest software, as I explain how it works exactly, and the free traffic method that he will be teaching.
I will also offer my opinions as to whether or not you will see the results that you are hoping for.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!
- What is Commission Hotshot
- Red flags in Commission Hotshot
- What Commission Hotshot does exactly
- Pros and cons
- An alternative
Commission Hotshot Review Summary
Product: Commission Hotshot
URL: https://teamblackbelt.net/
Creators: Art Flair, Pallab Ghosal, and Ram Rawat
Product type: Training on Youtube traffic and software for Youtube ranking
Price: $10 for Lite version, or $13 for PRO version
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : NOT recommended
Commission Hotshot teaches you to create product review videos on your Youtube channel to get free traffic to your offers. The software monitors your Youtube ranking.
This method is very effective, but not anything new and fresh like what is described on the sales page. You won’t see instant results because it takes months to grow your Youtube channel and gain the trust of your audience before they will take up your offers.
What is Commission Hotshot
To find out what is Commission Hotshot, let us first take a look at its website:

For an advanced and experienced internet marketer to be making $789 in 19 minutes, it is totally possible. But Art Flair is backed by years and years of hard work, learning through mistakes and building up his audience.
When he promotes something, his offer goes out to thousands of people. So those numbers are realistic.
If you are a beginner just entering the make money online niche, and are expecting this kind of instant results just using his method and software, I’m afraid you may be in for a rude shock.
I’ll explain more about this in a later section. For now, let’s examine what you will get inside Commission Hotshot.
Inside Commission Hotshot
These are the training modules that you will find inside Commission Hotshot:
Module 1: Case study results
Module 2: Select the right offer, and an affiliate hack
Module 3: Your online hub
Module 4: Free tools
Module 5: Money magnet
Module 6: Optimization
Module 7: Optimization for traffic #1
Module 8: Optimization for traffic #2
Module 9: Additional traffic
Module 10: Scaling up
In this set of training modules, you will be taught to find products to promote as an affiliate. Then you will have to create videos to review those products, and upload them onto Youtube, to get traffic to your offers.
This method absolutely works, as Youtube is fast becoming one of the platforms that people spend the most time on, when they are on the internet.
So if you have not started a Youtube channel, do get it set up soon, so that you can start loading it with content and building your followers.
The software in Commission Hotshot helps to keep track of your Youtube rankings for the videos you create, so that you know where you stand, what can be improved, and can monitor trends.
If all these sound like a lot of work, IT IS. Which brings me back to the point about how the sales page of Commission Hotshot can mislead its audience into thinking they can get instant results simply by using the product.
Red Flags in Commission Hotshot
No information about the method taught
I am not comfortable with anything that tries to sell by shrouding itself in secrecy, claiming that 99% of the people who do this get it wrong, and the creator of the program is the one who has the secret formula.
Nowhere on its sales page does it reveal the actual method taught.
You could be already plugging away on Youtube, and not seeing results yet because this takes time to work.
And then you saw Commission Hotshot and decided to give it a go, only to discover it is already what you are doing exactly. It doesn’t exactly allow customers to make an informed decision.
Commission Hotshot works, but only after you put in months and months of hard work, creating Youtube videos everyday, reviewing products, recommending the good ones (and not just everything you see).
It takes months to build up to a substantial number of subscribers, provided they find you authentic and trustworthy.
Only then will they take up your recommendations and buy through your affiliate links.
Do not promote products that will leave people frustrated with the lack of results, just to earn those commissions for yourself. Because then you will have no repeat customers. Conversion rates will be very low despite a high number of followers.

…is sure to get you lots of frustrated and disappointed customers.
Vendors sell shortcuts, the easy way out, the secret formula to instant commissions because that is what people are looking for.
But none of these work.
If you are not prepared to do the hard work, then no method will work for you. That’s the reality in this world, not just on the internet.
In fact, it gets harder on the internet, because there is almost no barrier to entry.
What Commission Hotshot Does Exactly
No doubt, Commission Hotshot is a good method. Because the traffic you get is free. And it is one way that allows you to build your brand.
But if you’re going in with the expectation of getting set up within 20 minutes and just leaving it to run in the background to earn instant commissions, then you can’t be farther from the truth.
There is huge potential with Youtube. If you are already doing it, stick with it, keep giving value to your audience, and you will eventually see results
To round up this article, let me recap and summarize the pros and cons, before I finally make my conclusion.
Pros of Commission Hotshot
1. Real owners
Art Flair and his team are real people, well known in the internet marketing niche. Being willing to stand behind their product says a lot about accountability.
It is a thousand times better than vendors who do not even dare to reveal their real identities.
2. 30 day money back guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product.
3. Method works
Youtube works. Though I do not think you need Commission Hotshot to learn it.
Cons of Commission Hotshot
1. Overhyped
I do not agree with the hyped up sales tactics used here.
2. Not minimum effort like what it is made to sound
No matter what path you take to make money online, there is no way to get around hard work.
If anyone tells you it’s easy, you’d better be wary of that person.
3. Upsells
If you buy Commission Hotshot, you will be faced with numerous one-time offers (OTOs) that use scarcity tactic to pressure you into buying on the spot, before you even have a chance to use the front end product.
These upsells will be there for as long as the main product exists, so you do not have to rush to get them.
Take your time to try out the front end product. If it works and you like what you are getting, then you may start looking into the upgrades.
But if the front end product does not deliver up to your expectations, the upsells will not be any better. The OTOs in Commission Hotshot are:
OTO1: $25 – Case studies
OTO2: $35 – Done for you package
OTO3: $197 – Reseller pack
OTO4: $147 – 45 WSOTD products
OTO5: $47 – 6 figure training
OTO6: $27 – Traffic softwares
Is Commission Hotshot Scam or Legit?
Commission Hotshot is a legitimate product that teaches a good method to get free traffic to your offers. But it does not get you the instant results that it claims.
Other products by Art Flair and his team include 24h Commission Hustler, Speedly, Traffic Trapper, Flipp Ninja, and Traffic Xtractor, to name just a few.
An Alternative
Everyone wants to be rich, but guess who will make it?
It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I mean, find me someone who doesn’t want to get rich fast, and with minimum effort.
I wasn’t spared of all the temptations on the internet, hopping from one shiny object to the next.
But when I realized those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.
I found a dull-looking object, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. And from then on, I have never looked back.
An honest, down-to-earth method that will get you there. It’s not going to be easy, but it will get you there.
Versus the fast and easy way to empty your pockets and get you nowhere.
Which would you choose?
I am now working full time from home, growing my internet business, and making an online income. I started from scratch with zero knowledge in this area. If I can do it, you can, too.
Here’s a peek into my daily earnings:

That’s almost $200 in just one single day. It’s nothing to boast about, though, as it’s just a small fraction of its full potential. I just wanted to show you the possibilities.
Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners:
This real deal does not promise instant results.
Instead, it provides the knowledge and lifelong skills required to grow a successful online business.
And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this Commission Hotshot review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.