If you have received some promotional materials in your inbox, and are here checking out what is Viral SociMasters, then you are at the right place! I have no association at all with this product, unlike those raving reviews which are all by its affiliates, fighting for a piece of the pie.
It’s definitely a smart move to do some research yourself before buying into anything, instead of simply taking things at their face value. Especially these days, when there are so many scammy products out there on the internet.
This Viral SociMasters has the same recipe that is targeted at newbies in the internet marketing space: get instant results, lots of it, with minimum effort. So is it something different that is finally worth buying, or is it another useless product that is not going to get you anywhere?
In this article, I will provide an in-depth review of Viral SociMasters, through the following sections:
- its review summary
- what it really is, and how it will not work for you
- its pros and cons
- is it scam or legit
- my recommendation
Viral SociMasters: Review Summary
Product: Viral SociMasters
URL: https://viralsocimasters.com/liveds/
Creators: A group of 4 ladies – Alicia, Lorette, Ivana and Mitali
Product type: FaceBook marketing for restaurants
Price: $12.05
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
Viral SociMasters is mainly a software that includes done for you content and graphics, which you can use to create viral events for restaurants on FaceBook Local App. I do not think this is sustainable for the long term, because if it really works, restaurant owners will simply take the idea and do it themselves, without having to pay you.
In the first place, I do not think it will work, because the method here simply gives restaurant ‘events’ fanciful names, without actually organising an event like a party or a special night. It is not going to get viral, especially when you are competing with much more prominent real events, like music festival, some outdoor performance, a sale in a shopping mall, etc.
If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on products that will not get you the results you expect, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:

Read on for the detailed review of Viral SociMasters, and why I do not recommend it.
What is Viral SociMasters
Information presented in sales video and landing page
So what is Viral SociMasters and how can it help restaurant owners?
85% of restaurant owners struggle to bring in new customers, because they do not know what kind of advertising works for their business. (I do not think this is the case. Restaurant owners are surely experts in their field, those with advertising budget would have gotten marketing specialists to help them with advertising. While those that do not have advertising budget will not be prepared to hear you out about Viral SociMasters anyway.)
And this is where you come in, with the FaceBook Local App. Instead of competing with so many other restaurants under ‘food’ or ‘coffee and tea’ sections, you should use the ‘events’ section. No restaurants ever think of putting themselves in this section, simply because they think that they have to plan and organise a massive event, like a party, or a special night, which means too much work for them.
When in fact, an event can be simply calling it ‘Taco Tuesday’ for a Mexican restaurant, for instance. So there is actually no change at all to the usual running of the restaurant, as it is serving taco which is already found in its menu.
When people see the event, they would click on ‘going’, and their friends will see the event too. This is how it will go viral. (To me, this is just wishful thinking. Why would anyone be clicking on ‘going’ unless it was an event they had already heard about, and really intended to attend?)
And you do not have to worry about selling this to restaurant owners, because you will be provided with a proven email and FaceBook inbox message, which you can simply copy and paste, to get them happily paying you. You do not ever have to step out of the house. No cold calling, no face to face meetings, no hard selling required.
Each restaurant owner will pay you $147 to $297 per month. Because the viral events generated will make them several thousands a month in extra revenue.
What’s better yet, you will have a software that does all the thinking for you, to generate awesome viral events. You simply select some done for you content and graphics which have been pre-loaded into the FaceBook event generator, and then copy and paste your viral event into FaceBook.
That’s it, it’s that simple. No technical skills required, no previous experience, and most importantly, no FaceBook ads to pay for.
You will get 7 training video modules with PDFs and checklists, along with 3 bonuses:
Bonus 1: How to outsource all the work to someone competent for just $5
Bonus 2: How to integrate FaceBook events with EventBrite, to generate even more customers
Bonus 3: Viral Events VIP Mastermind Group
Why Viral SociMasters will not work for you
Firstly, to imagine that restaurant owners will happily pay anyone who will get new customers through their doors is really an illusion. Surely they would have engaged their marketing specialists to do the job for them, they have no reason to trust anyone else who does not have any credentials in this area.
Secondly, in the ‘events’ section, though it is true there are practically no other restaurants on there, but you are competing with other events, in niches all over the place, many of which could be very prominent events. Like a concert or a musical, farmer’s market, a warehouse sale, etc.
With the restaurant event, which is not even a real event, but with just a fanciful name tagged to it, no one would have heard of the event, no one would know what it is all about, so I doubt many people will actually click to say they are going. Unless they have already heard of the restaurant before, or had eaten there before, and happen to be in the area.
Moreover, in ‘events’ section, it is not as relevant as the ‘food’ or ‘coffee and tea’ sections, so audience is not targeted. These are not hungry people looking for a place to eat, but looking for some entertainment.
So instead of moving away from the target audience just because competition is stiff, restaurant owners should actively engage audience on their FaceBook page, so that they get more likes, and invite their customers to write reviews on there, offering gifts for completing a review, and stuff like that. This should be the way to go if they are using FaceBook marketing.
Lastly, it is not as easy as the creators of Viral SociMasters make it sound, to sell this FaceBook marketing idea to the restaurant owners. Especially if they do not know you at all, and being new, you would not have any portfolio to show, or any success stories.
There would have to be lots of persuasion and selling, very unlike what is described in the sales page of Viral SociMasters – no cold calling, no face to face meeting, no hard selling. I think the truth is quite far from that.
And you would also have to negotiate a payment terms with each restaurant owner. But in the first place how do they even ascertain that any increase in new customers is a result of implementing this, and not by word of mouth, for instance. They are also not going to interview every customer who walks in to find out if they heard of the restaurant through FaceBook events section, as that would irritate people.
So terms of payment can be quite a grey area, that you would have to spend time to liaise with the restaurant owners on, and if an agreement is reached, you would have to draft it out in writing, to protect yourself.
If this method really works to bring in new customers, there is no stopping the restaurant owners from taking it on themselves, setting up the events on FaceBook themselves, so that they do not even have to pay you. So this is not going to be a sustainable business for you.
The proper way to make money online
As a social media consultant for restaurants, you will have to keep looking for more clients, because setting up FaceBook events is such a simply task that any restaurant owner can do for themselves, if it works. If it doesn’t work, there goes your reputation down the drain.
So either way, you lose, using this Virall SociMasters method.
The way I earn my online income, I really do not need to do any face to face selling. What’s more, I do not have to look for business. My customers are the ones who come looking for me instead, I do not have to go and find more customers for my business.
I simply make sure I build a rock solid foundation for my online business, and customers will be sent in hoards to me. Curious to learn how it all works in this business model? Click on the link below to find out:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of Viral SociMasters
1. Real owners
Yes, these are real people, so there will hopefully be some credibility and accountability for their product. I have reviewed another of their product before, called Checkin SociMasters, which is about FaceBook marketing too, though using a different method. I did not recommend that product too.
2. 14 day money back guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product. But the number of days for the refund entitlement is too short, which means most people would not even have a chance to try it out fully before the right for refund expires, and they are stuck with it even if they eventually find that it does not work.
3. Novel idea, with authentic training
This is a novel idea, though I doubt it will work as well as what it is portrayed as. The training is comprehensive, and serves to add value to people who buy the product. For example, training in one of the 7 modules include ‘how to do reporting to show your clients the impact of your service’ is very relevant, and something that beginners can do with some help.
Cons of Viral SociMasters
1. Only works in the restaurant niche
Due to the done for you content and graphics in the event generator, this product works very specifically in the restaurant niche only.
2. Not minimum effort like what it is made to sound
In general, anything that promises fast, fantastic results with very little effort, and everything done for you, I would avoid. Because success stories never start off this way. Success stories are all about consistent hard work and perseverance. So for any get rich quick scheme, you can be sure the only person getting rich is the creator of the product.
3. You have to chase after the money
You have to look for potential restaurant owners, and promote your method to them, spending lots of time and effort on persuading them, negotiating the payment terms, etc. Since this is not a passive income that can sustain itself, you would have to keep on working hard at it. The moment you stop looking, business stops too.
4. Upsells
Just like any other product that aims to solely make money for its owners, Viral SociMaster is no different, being lined with upsells right after you make the purchase of its front end product. Even before you get any chance to try it out, they will bombard you with these offers:
Upsell 1: $37 – Viral SociMasters prospecting package
Upsell 2: $37 – Viral SociMasters FB Event Generator Pro
Upsell 3: $37 – Viral SociMasters case studies
Is Viral SociMasters Scam or legit?
Viral SociMasters is definitely not a scam, as it teaches a perfectly legitimate method. Even though I personally do not quite like what is taught in Viral SociMasters, I believe most beginners will get to learn something about FaceBook marketing through its video modules.
I do not recommend Viral SociMasters, as it is overhyped (like these products that I have reviewed before: 2019 Blast Off and Affiliate Bots, to name just a few). It is in fact hard work to succeed in this method (which is the case for any other method), and it is not sustainable as a passive income stream.
The method I am using to make money online does not require any face to face selling, or any negotiation for payment terms. I do not have to go out and look for business, as customers will be sent to me, for free.
It is a neat and hassle-free way to earn, and can even be built into a passive income stream, if you put enough work into it. Yes, it requires work, lots of consistent hard work. That is why not everyone will succeed, because many are just looking for the magic formula, for the easy way out.
There is no magic formula. People who try to sell you easy ways to make money are trying to scam you. So stay far away.
If you are the type of person who is willing to work hard, in order to build up something big for yourself, then click on the button below to learn exactly how it can be done.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding this Viral SociMasters review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.