I asked the same question as you: What is Affiliate Bots? I was very curious as it seemed to be promoted as a very sought-after product, launched only in November 2018. So I went ahead to buy it for the sake of writing this fair and objective review, from the point of view of someone who has tried and tested it.
So that I can save you the money… Hmmm, should I let the cat out of the bag so fast?
Well, let’s get straight to it. I will be giving you an in-depth review of Affiliate Bots through the following sections:
Affiliate Bots Review Summary
Product: Affiliate Bots
Creator: Chris and Ken
Product type: Affiliate marketing tools
Price: $17 (I bought it at the discounted price of $12, not sure if the discount is still ongoing)
Scam / Legit? : I wouldn’t call it scam, since there are products that you get. But they are quite useless.
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
Affiliate Bots is basically a whole suite of tools, which will supposedly help affiliate marketers earn instantly, because they are copying what Chris and Ken have used to earn $1K per day. There are 17 tools, which help you to choose the most profitable affiliate programs to promote, set up your own website, and get traffic.
I do not recommend Affiliate Bots at all because affiliate marketing does not simply run on tools to get success. Firstly the most profitable affiliate programs recommended by the ‘bots’ may not be the best in helping your website visitors.
Secondly, the tools provided in Affiliate Bots for setting up your website all gear it towards making it all hyped-up and salesy, something I definitely would not want for my own website.
Thirdly, getting traffic is about being authentic in your content so that it helps your readers, then search engines will give you enough trust to rank you on page 1 of search results. The traffic tools provided in Affiliate Bots are of no use.
Don’t waste your time and money on useless products. To really understand the insides and out of affiliate marketing, learn it the proper way with my #1 recommended platform:

Read on to see my in-depth review of Affiliate Bots, and you will know why I do not recommend it.
What is Affiliate Bots
Like I mentioned, I bought it to really dig into it and find out what is Affiliate Bots, so that I can give the fairest review. Here are the 17 tools or ‘bots’ included in this product.
We will take a look at these tools in a while. But first, I really want to recount what I went through during the buying and payment process.
The buying process
Upon completing the payment, I was instantly brought to the first upsell page: $97 to become a pro club member, with another 33 tools (which are even more useless than the 17 tools in the main product).
So I clicked on the button that says no, I just want to go to the main members area. And guess what, I was brought to YET another upsell page, which I rejected again, and I was brought to the 3rd upsell page, all in one breath!
That certainly succeeded in putting me off totally. The trust level plummetted all the way down. All these upsells to keep getting me to buy more, when I have not even experienced the main product yet.
I also did not want to accidentally buy any upsells, as I noticed the wordings on the buttons were made to mislead. For instance, one of the reject buttons for the 2nd upsell says something to the effect of “No thank you, just bring me to the pro club members area’. Which is in fact the name for the first upsell!
So if I hadn’t read carefully and had clicked on that, I would have bought the first upsell in that one click, without having to enter any payment details again, because those details had already been captured when I bought the main product.
Many digital products that are without integrity resort to this lowly way of tricking people into buying their upsells. I’m not saying Affiliate Bots does it. I just have a feeling it will happen, by the way they phrase the reject buttons. And I did not want to find it out, so I was being extra careful not to click on the wrong buttons.
The steps that Affiliate Bots teaches for affiliate marketing
These are the steps that Affiliate Bots teaches, as the way to do affiliate marketing:
1. choose affiliate program to promote
2. create website
3. get traffic and make commissions
I have to at least give them the credit for getting these basic principles right. Even though the ways they teach you to do each step are all wrong. We will go right into those details in the sections below.
The problem with step 1: having bots choose the affiliate programs to promote
Let’s first take a look at just some of the 8 tools included in this step of choosing the most profitable affiliate programs.
King of the Zon:
This helps you find the daily top selling products on Amazon.
I’m not sure why we would need this bot, as the information can be found on the ‘Best Sellers’ tab on Amazon’s website itself.
This bot loads the top 250 affiliate programs on ClickBank, daily. ClickBank is an affiliate network, on which you can choose products to promote, mostly digital ones, and you earn a commission when people buy the products through your affiliate links.
Again, I do not need this, because ClickBank itself already sorts the products by popularity, on its website.
I think you get the gist of what the programs in Affiliate Bots do. They give some seemingly exclusive information, which can all be found on the websites of the affiliate programs or networks themselves, if you know your niche well enough.
There is another big problem here. You can’t just promote kitchen ware one day and digital software the next. Then your website is not going to gain any authority, because it will not be seen as the expert in any area. So search engines will not send traffic to your website.
To do affiliate marketing properly, you have to build your website as the authority in a particular niche. It could be anything under the sun, from a specialised area of health, to parenting hyperactive kids, to travelling Asia. It can be anything, but you got to stick to it once you choose your niche, and build your content around it.
If you do not provide depth and quality content, no readers will stay on your site, the search engines will know it, and that’s the sure way to fail in affiliate marketing.
These Affiliate Bots, with the exception of the Amazon bot, all focus on digital products in the internet marketing niche:
- Warrior50
- King of the Zoo
- CB 250 database
- HostingAffiliate bot
- LaunchPulse
If that is not the niche of your website, then it’s a total mismatch. Imagine how bewildered your readers would be if they land on your website about pet health, to be shown random and unrelated promotions of software that can earn you money from home.
Lastly, in the internet marketing niche, there are just too many low quality products that are out to scam people, including the top selling ones. Because you just need a sales pitch that sells, people see the real product only after paying for it. It is a very different market from physical products, where top selling are usually the best in quality too.
The problem with step 2: having bots in building your website
Create instant affiliate templates with 1 click
This is what one of the Affiliate Bots do: provide templates and affiliate ads that have been proven to convert website visitors into buyers. I will never put such a salesy pitch into my website, for goodness sake.
Another bot provides 1000 banner ads for over 200 ClickBank products.
Yet another bot, Domain Aveli, helps you find domain names for your website, something that is offered for free on so many domain finder platforms. One example is namemesh.com
When it comes to building your website, the technical aspect has been made very simple and even free, on many platforms.
–> Check out this platform that I use to build my websites, it’s free for starter members <–
The most important aspect of building a website that ranks well in search engines is populating it with great, helpful content that engages your readers. It is not about selling and pushing products right into their faces. Without trust and rapport, no one would buy.
The problem with step 3: having bots to help you get traffic
Most of the bots incorporated into this step of generating traffic to your website makes no sense to me at all. Besides
- the salesy affilaite script which I’d never use, and
- 1000 banner ads which are equally useless to me because I have my own affiliate programs whose products I promote,
There are also
- Flip DB – helps you research the sites on Flippa. Flippa is a marketplace for buying and selling websites. To me, it has no relevance here in our affiiate marketing journey.
- A bonus bot: Resell rights database. Another one that makes no head nor tail to me. Are we talking about buying over other people’s websites? Or selling our own? I’m not sure why this would help us in anyway. I guess it serves to distract beginners who are new to affiliate marketing, to think that there are really so many useful tools in this product.
- Auto MassMailer. You need an email autoresponder only after you have built up your traffic, to nurture the relationship with your readers. The automail provided in Affiliate Bots is only available for a fixed time, after which I’m not sure what will happen to all my subscribers list. So I really would not use this product at all. I’d much rather get any product out there run by a legit email company, with their established system in place, and with hundreds of thousands of users.
So I can say, practically all the tools provided in Affiliate Bots are of no use to me.
I build all my websites without any of these tools, and I am getting great organic traffic to my sites, all for free from the search engines. Simply by following the training provided in this #1 recommendation. All the tools I ever need are in there, it’s a genuine platform that strives to help people succeed in affiliate marketing, no countless upsells that feed the greed of the owners like many other products.

Pros of Affiliate Bots
1. 60-day money back guarantee
At least this basic refund policy is available for anyone who is not satisfied with the product.
2. You do actually get the digital products
Yes, you do get something after paying for it, though it’s another story when it comes to the effectiveness and quality of the product.
Cons of Affiliate Bots
1. Who are Chris and Ken?
Without last names, without faces to the names, there is no way we can identify Chris and Ken. I tried to do a search, which came up with nothing.
Even the voice over the promotional video is just someone reading off a script.
So there is no one to hold accountable for the integrity of this product and their services. Would you trust it?
2. Income proof that is ‘rock-solid’
This is their version of ‘rock-solid’ income proof. Do I even have to say more?
3. Upsells after upsells
Three upsells right after I paid for the product, before I had any chance to try it at all. Afraid that I would run away after knowing what is really in the 17 tools?
If it were a solid product, and I can see great value with the upsell, I would go for it. I don’t need someone stuffing it up my nose.
4. It does not touch on the proper way to drive free traffic
Yes, they recognise driving 100% free organic traffic is the way to go for any affiliate marketing sites. But none of the tools that are supposed to help you with traffic are able to do that.
In fact, they give you a research tool to study websites that people are selling and buying. What does that even mean? Copy those sites? I really do not get this part.
5. Bots are looking for profitable affiliate programs in the internet marketing niche
So you can be promoting the most profitable affiliate programs, but if no one is coming to your website, you are not going to earn even a single cent.
And if the products you promote are crappy, it’s going to drive visitors AWAY instead.
And you don’t even need these bots, as each affiliate platform is going to give you the information on their best selling items. If you know your niche well, which you should in order to succeed in affiliate marketing, you really don’t need any of these tools.
Scam or legit?
What Affiliate Bots say in their promotional video: No matter what affiliate program, what website we create, we are instantly locked in on the money.
That’s a very big statement to make.
If you ask me, Affiliate Bots may work for people who already have a website in the internet marketing niche, and are only concerned with making money, without consideration for the quality of products that they promote to their visitors.
And to finally answer the question: Is Affiliate Bots a scam?
No. Affiliate Bots is not a scam, because they deliver the tools in their product.
But it is not useful to anyone, whether beginner or seasoned affiliate marketer. A beginner needs to first work on quality content that can get the website to rank high in search engines. A seasoned marketer would have his or her own sources of affiliate platforms that they promote in their own niche, there is really no need for Affiliate Bots.
Affiliate Bots is not recommended, as it will not help you make money.
To make money online, you need to work in a niche that you are passionate about, so that it sustains you in content creation for your website.
Then you need tools to optimise your website for search engine optimisation, including site security and site speed. Because the search engines are not going to jeopardise their own reputation by sending people to an unsecure and slow website. These tools are all taken care of in the platform I use, which also focus on teaching the proper way to get free organic traffic: writing for ranking.
It is free for starter members, go check it out. You will be in awe, like I was, by how much you can learn just from the free member section. You can even start setting up your own website from there, and build up content, all for free.

I guess one could sum it up like this – for hype-filled teenagers or other mugginses it’s a great opportunity to get some random hypy technology that supposedly does all the work for you for but for a genuine online business that cares about its brand and the way it comes across to its readers it’s a worthless piece of ****.
Well, when it comes to think of it, those 12 dollars perfectly resemble the amount of value that the program provides. Which is not a lot, to say the least. And even that’s generous.
Other than that, I have to say, I really like your reviews! I enjoy them every time, Joo! Such a Great Job!
Keep up the good work!
Cheers, and have a Great One!
Hi Matiss,
Thanks so much for your encouragement, it has made my day!
Hi Joo ,
Currently, there are many ways to do online marketing .One of the ways I believe is the best to choose is affiliate marketing. Because we do not need to own any products, or take care of any inventory or delivery. Thanks for sharing this review of Affiliate Bots, it’s really useful to me.
Hi Arnaiemhasan,
I’m glad you found this useful.
What a great review, I like the way you outline everything step by step, also I like your honest recommendation on the affiliate bots, i believe it’s not a scam but at the same time it’s time and wasting resources thus it’s not worth giving a trial, I also agree with you about the wealthy affiliate marketing, I tend to believe it’s the best with the free training at the starter level and inline support in the premium level.
personally before I got to wealthy affiliate I had landed to many other platforms not worthy to invest ok, how I wish I had gone through this post by then, I believe to follow you to learn more about scam or legit reviews on marketing platform.
thank you.
from Joy
Hi Joy,
At least you have eventually landed with Wealthy Affiliate. Wish you success with all your online adventures!
We need more articles like this one to help people understand how many scammers are there around and not everything that you buy is actually what was said on the box. Thank you for giving an honest and detailed review of Affiliate Bots. I was looking into buying it but after reading this you have opened my eyes. Thank you very much and please keep writing more.
Hi Barbara,
I’m glad you found this just in time.
Dear Joo,
This is an interesting and helpful review. To be honest I came across few posts about Affiliate Bots and was thinking to do some research about it. And your post gave me a complete walk through on this product and answered all my questions. Thanks a lot.
Nowadays many make money online products under-delivers and are not worth the hype given in their sales page. So genuine product reviews like this are a greater help to many.
Via your post you saved people time, trouble, effort and money. After reading your review for me Affiliate Bots is a NO NO.
Great Success!
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your encouraging words. Yeah, that’s what this website is for, to help people tell the good from the bad, so that they do not waste frustrating hours and hard-earned money.
Thank you for the very educational post. I had heard of Affiliate bots, and after reading your post, it does seem like it is a very poor investment. And I am glad you recommend Wealthy Affiliates, which seems to be a more legitimate program. I am curious about how you got interested in Affiliate marketing In the first place, if you don’t mind sharing.
Hi Nate,
Of course I don’t mind sharing about how I got into affiliate marketing. About a year ago, I was finding some spare time on hand, when the kids were in school. I decided to start a blog, as I had researched and learnt a lot through experience, about eczema, in helping two of my kids cope with it.
But I had no idea where to even start. So I began searching on the internet, and that is how I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate. Which taught me not only how to do up my blog from scratch, but even how to monetize it as well! And the rest is history… 🙂
Thank you for really taking the time to truly go through all the process and steps to the Affiliate Bot program and giving a true, honest review. I am always looking for ways to grow my business, and I have to say that I do fall prey to programs. I have learned now to search out recommendations, and I am so glad I read yours. It’s not a scam, but it’s not worth investing in either. I was pretty happy to see you recommended Wealthy Affiliate, which is a program I did invest in. I started with their free membership, but I really felt I was getting so much out of it, I upgraded within the first 7 days to a premium membership, You can’t beat it!
Hi Babsie,
Yeah Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the best thing that has happened to me. I went through the exact same thing, took their free lessons and websites, and decided rather quickly that this is the way I want to bring my online business, and actually signed up as their premium member within 2 to 3 days! No looking back since then, my journey in internet marketing has been nothing short of amazing.