I’m guessing you must have already seen its sales video, and are wondering what is Millionaire Society.
Welcome to my Millionaire Society review.
I was left equally bewildered because after sitting through the entire 11 minutes of the sales video, I still had no idea what the money making method that they are selling is all about.
How do you earn $700 per day with just 15 minutes of work? Can it really be what you have been missing out on all these while?
So I set out to dig right in, and examine what exactly is encompassed in the program, so that you can make a better-informed decision, something that they deprived you of.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!
- What is Millionaire Society
- Red flags in Millionaire Society
- What exactly is inside Millionaire Society
- Pros and cons
- An alternative
Millionaire Society Review Summary
Product: Millionaire Society
URL: http://www.millionairesociety.com/
Creator: “Mack Michaels” (not his real name)
Product type: a jumble of tools and training on paid traffic, affiliate marketing with ClickBank products, and Pinterest marketing
Price: $4.95 for 7 day trial, then $97 per month
Scam / Legit? : Scam
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
Millionaire Society does offer some legitimate training and tools, though they will not do much for your business.
Firstly, the traffic method does not get you a targeted audience. Secondly, the training on using ClickBank to do affiliate marketing is useful only to the extent of setting up an account and choosing profitable programs to promote.
You can get much more comprehensive and better quality training at a lower price elsewhere, easily. This is simply not worth its expensive price.
What is Millionaire Society
To find out what is Millionaire Society, let us first take a look at its website:

To be honest, I didn’t like its sales video. Not one bit.
It sounded just like all the other crappy junk on the internet, promising you $700+ per day, with just 15 minutes of work and using their templates and methods taught, without letting you in on any other information about the product.
Even though I knew it can’t be anything good, for the sake of this review, I dug right in to uncover the truth.
Before that, let me show you some other red flags.
Other red flags of Millionaire Society
Inactive Facebook Page
The Facebook page of Millionaire Society was last updated in 2012. Even then, it was full of spam, I can’t find anything remotely legitimate that is seriously trying to promote Millionaire Society.
Instead, it seems to be promoting other website with the word ‘Millionaire’ in it, like MillionairesPoint, and all sorts of other get rich quick schemes.

Odd statements in its disclaimer
Take a look at this disclaimer below the sales video of Millionaire Society.

The first statement underlined in red makes no sense to me.
Testimonials are or are not from real customers.
What kind of statement is that?
I may or may not be telling the truth. The sky will or will not fall on us tomorrow.
The next one: after saying you can make $700+ per day, now they turn around and say some individuals make no money at all, in fine and faint print.
Next, for purposes of privacy, the creator of Millionaire Society does not even dare to show his real identity to his potential customers. How would you trust a phantom product creator?
Which legitimate company founder has to hide away for the sake of his privacy? It’s getting quite atrocious with this disclaimer.
Lastly, the people providing their testimonials for the product have been renumerated.
If I were a happy customer, I would gladly provide my testimonial for the owner and his program. I would not be accepting bribes.
It seems like they are shooting themselves in their feet.
What Exactly is Inside Millionaire Society
You do get some training and tools when you purchase Millionaire Society. But they are some jumbled up stuff put together haphazardly without any considerate thought.
They are: one particular advertising channel to drive paid traffic to your site, Pinterest marketing, and using ClickBank for affiliate marketing.
The irony is that in the sales video, they specifically mentioned no more affiliate marketing in the method they are teaching, and no more paying for traffic.
Well, I guess they can say anything they like, since there is no one who’s willing to stand for this product.
Paid traffic with adf.ly
One of the training in Millionaire Society teaches you to buy traffic from AdFly.
How this works is that you pay to put up advertisements for your website, on their platform. And when visitors click on the ads to land on your site, some of them may take up whatever you are selling or promoting on there, so you earn.
The biggest problem lies with the traffic source.
People clicking on the ads on AdFly are there to earn money. They earn a tiny sum per ad that they click on. It is called a PTC (paid to click) platform.
This means they are simply not interested in buying at all, through whatever ads that are presented to them. They simply stay on each ad for a predetermined amount of time (a few seconds), in order to qualify for earnings, which are in fact sponsored by you.
Affiliate marketing with ClickBank
This is the second section of what’s inside Millionaire Society.
You do get some step by step training on setting up your ClickBank account, and then some tips on choosing products to promote.
ClickBank is an affiliate network, where vendors create products and put them on the platform so that affiliates can help them promote their products, and earn a commission from each sale.
Millionaire Society is marketed on ClickBank, so its affiliates must be diligently promoting it, for it to be so much alive after all these years.
My point is, when you look for products to promote on ClickBank, you have to be vigilant in ensuring their quality, and not simply go for the most profitable ones, which may turn out as useless as Millionaire Society.
Then your audience will lose their trust in you.
Pinterest marketing
Though this part of the training has something that a complete beginner can learn from, you can actually get much more updated and free information from internet marketers who are experiencing success with Pinterest.
You just have to know where to look.
Strategies taught 7 years ago really cannot apply today, in this fast-changing world of the internet, where things can become obsolete within months.
There, that’s Millionaire Society for you.
For such a low price of less than $5 for the trial period, there is no harm to try it out if you really want to. Just remember to cancel the subscription before they charge you $97 for the first month.
If you have tried a lot of things on the internet, and are frustrated with the lack of results, it is because there are too many unethical people out there, who say you will get rich quick but are in fact only interested in filling their own pockets fast.
You need to steel yourself against all their attempts to lure you in with enticing baits, by picking up high income skills that will help you build up your very own online business.
That is the only way to create a sustainable online income for yourself, that nobody can take away from you.
It won’t work for everyone, though. That is why so many people fail when trying to make money online.
Because it takes lots of grit and hard work.
If you think you have it in you to make this work, you need to check this out:
To round up this article, let me recap and summarize the pros and cons, before I finally make my conclusion.
Pros of Millionaire Society
1. Low entry cost
Less than $5 to get access and see everything inside is still quite reasonable. So you can definitely take a quick tour of it, but make sure to cancel the subscription if you do not like what you see.
2. You do get some training
How useful they are for your internet marketing business, I really do not hold out much hope for it.
But you do get what you get – some random training put together just to make your money.
Cons of Millionaire Society
1. Owner does not show up
Nobody knows who the real person behind Millionaire Society is.
But we do believe he is some millionaire who is freaking out over being kidnapped, that’s why he is obsessive about protecting his privacy, don’t we?
2. Low quality product
There is no sincerity in the product. It is not created with the customer in mind. At best, it adds zero value to your business. The more likely effect it has is to throw you into confusion with its haphazard and irrelevant training.
3. Too expensive
There is no reason for anyone to pay a monthly fee for static videos that are not updated to reflect the most current strategies that will work.
Is Millionaire Society Scam or Legit?
Millionaire Society is a scam that will not be of any use to you. Though they do deliver the training, it is of too poor quality.
Similar low quality training products include Affiliate Cash Club, Auto Online Sites, and AZ Millionaire Method, to name just a few.
An Alternative
Everyone wants to be rich, but guess who will make it?
It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I mean, find me someone who doesn’t want to get rich fast, and with minimum effort.
I wasn’t spared of all the temptations on the internet, hopping from one shiny object to the next.
But when I realized those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.
I found a dull-looking object, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. And from then on, I have never looked back.
An honest, down-to-earth method that will get you there. It’s not going to be easy, but it will get you there.
Versus the fast and easy way to empty your pockets and get you nowhere.
Which would you choose?
I am now working full time from home, growing my internet business, and making an online income. I started from scratch with zero knowledge in this area. If I can do it, you can, too.
Here’s a peek into my daily earnings:

That’s almost $200 in just one single day. It’s nothing to boast about, though, as it’s just a small fraction of its full potential. I just wanted to show you the possibilities.
Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners:
This real deal does not promise instant results.
Instead, it provides the knowledge and lifelong skills required to grow a successful online business.
And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this Millionaire Society review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.