If you have landed here, you must be checking out the AZ Millionaire Method scam.
Is this really a method that can turn you into a millionaire? How does Amazon come into the picture?
First of all, kudos to you for doing your due diligence, in checking it out before you decide whether to purchase it or not, especially with the amount of scams going around the internet these days.
Just by looking at the name of this product already gives me a bad feeling about it. From my experience reviewing digital products, things with the words “millionaire”, “secret”, “fast” and such usually tend to be low in quality.
Is it true for this newest product? Or can it prove itself to be the exception, and give us a pleasant surprise instead? We will find out the answers to these and more, in this honest and in-depth AZ Millionaire Method review.
AZ Millionaire Method: Review Summary
Product: AZ Millionaire Method
URL: http://www.azmillionairemethod.com/index.html?hop=0
Creator: “Ryan Ford”
Product type: affiliate marketing training (PDF and videos)
Price: $37
Scam / Legit? : Scam
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
AZ Millionaire Method is nothing more than some generic training on affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a completely legitimate method to make money online. In fact, it is what I am using. What is not right about this product are the dubious owner, fake testimonials, as well as misleading sales page that would have you believe you can start making money the very same day of using this system.
If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on scams, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:
Read on for the detailed review of AZ Millionaire Method, and why I call it a scam.
What is AZ Millionaire Method
Information presented in sales video and landing page

According to “Ryan Ford”, using this life-changing website of Amazon, ordinary people are becoming millionaires in one year or less.
In 2018, Amazon generated 232.9 billion dollars in revenue. You really have to jump in and get a piece of the pie.
Want to know the best part?
Now, with this AZ Millionaire Method, you can be up and running in under 30 minutes, and making money the very same day!
“Ryan Ford” went on to tell us his sob story of getting into a serious car accident, spending more than a year in a wheelchair, with mounting medical bills to pay and no job. That was when he chanced upon AZ Millionaire Method through an old friend, and he started making money the very same day.
How this method works, is called affiliate marketing. According to him, you will be the silent middleman who takes a cut off the profit, each time any product is purchased on Amazon, once you join their affiliate program.

And it’s easy, because there are millions of products sold on Amazon every single day, and those commissions quickly add up.
Throughout the sales video, it is all about how much you can make with this system, and how quickly money will start rolling in. Everything you like to hear, it’s there.
But they fail to provide any other information.
Besides knowing this method is about making money with the Amazon affiliate program, there is nothing else about what you will be getting after you purchase AZ Millionaire Method.
Do you really want to pay for something that you know nothing about? It’s like buying a mobile phone that comes in a sealed black box that you cannot open. You do not know how it looks like, what features it has, what make or model it is.
The marketing tactic of “Ryan Ford” already shows that he is not letting you make an informed decision about your purchase. All he is interested in is getting the money out of your pocket.
Exactly what is involved with Affiliate Marketing?
First, let’s understand how affiliate marketing works
How does affiliate marketing work
It works on a very simple business model: you promote someone else’s products or services. When people click through your affiliate links to buy those products or services, you get to earn a commission from the retailer or vendor.
It is a neat and hassle-free way to make money online, because you do not have to own any product, deal with any customer complaints or refunds, make any deliveries, etc. You simply drive customers to the virtual doorstep of those retailers.
Amazon is one of those huge retailing platforms, which offers an affiliate program. AZ Millionaire Method is teaching you to sign up as an Amazon affiliate, and earn from there.
Being an Amazon Associate
Amazon calls their affiliate program the Amazon Associate Program. It is not something automatic, to get approved as an Amazon affiliate.
They will look at every application, and the most basic thing that you must have is your own website. Without one, I do not think there is any chance of getting approved.
—>> Check out this platform that offers 2 FREE websites <<—
Even with a website, Amazon wants to ensure it has sufficient content created on it, that will add value to your website visitors. Otherwise, they will flatly refuse the application. See below for what some people experienced:

The cool thing about being an Amazon Associate is that once somebody clicks through your affiliate link to land on Amazon’s website, it does not matter what items they eventually decide to purchase, you will get to make a commission off their total purchase.
Which means your affiliate link could be for some children’s toy. What the person eventually checked out of the Amazon store did not include the toy, but had various other stuff like household appliances and such. You will make a commission off those purchases.
So even though it may seem like many items are low ticket ones, but because Amazon is such a popular and trusted shopping platform, it is worthwhile to consider joining their affiliate program.
Getting approved as an Amazon affiliate is just the beginning of the story. If there is no one landing on your site, then you make no sales, and zero earnings.
Getting traffic to your site
After placing those affiliate links on your website, you need visitors to your site, and you need to get them to want to click on those affiliate links.
The fastest way to get traffic is also the most expensive – paid advertisements. I strongly advise against it, especially for beginners. Because it is a very steep learning curve for each advertising platform, before you can figure things out, and understand the demographic profile of your customers, their behaviour, and where to find them.
During the learning process, it is all about testing, tweaking the marketing campaigns, and testing some more. You could quickly end up thousands of dollars poorer than when you started, before you start to see any signs of recouping your losses.
Paid traffic is something that you pay while you do and learn.
So paid traffic is not recommended, unless you already know what you are doing.
Free traffic is the other option, but who wouldn’t go for free traffic? What’s the catch here? The answer is simple: free traffic takes lots of hard work.
But hard does not mean impossible.
It is exactly how I am getting traffic to my websites. And this is the method I strongly recommend for beginners to affiliate marketing.
So “Ryan Ford” is totally trying to mislead you when he makes it sound like you can start earning money so easily on the very same day that you start using AZ Millionaire Method. If it were so easy, everyone would be millionaires by now.
Why AZ Millionaire Method will not work for you
Dubious owner
Is “Ryan Ford” even a real person? He does not show himself throughout the sales video. Nobody knows what he looks like. He did not leave any social media accounts for us to find him.
If he were really a successful millionaire, why does he have to hide behind the screen? Why is he not proud of what he has achieved?
Don’t tell me he is just getting ready to run away when customers who are not earning anything from his AZ Millionaire Method come chasing after him?
Fake testimonials
The moment I saw the sales video, I knew I would have to call this a scam. Because I recognised the person giving his success testimonial immediately. He had appeared in other products before, also claiming he made loads of money on those other programs.

He is actually an actor hired from Fiverr. This is his Fiverr profile:

How I will interpret this is: there is not one single person that “Ryan Ford” can find, who is actually making money from his AZ Millionaire Method. Such that he has to resort to hiring an actor to give his fake testimonial.
Misleading income promises
And of course there is the misleading information all throughout the sales video, trying to trick you into believing this product will start making you money on the very day that you start using it.
To me, it’s totally unethical and unacceptable.
The proper way to do affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a totally lucrative way to make money online, as the world has evolved into one that predominantly does its shopping online.
If you simply set up a website and place affiliate links everywhere, you will get zero sales.
How do you get your website visitors to trust you enough to click on your recommendations, check things out, and eventually make the purchase?
You do that by first adding value to your website visitors. Create content in the niche that you choose, something you are passionate about. Then pour all your knowledge, expertise, stories, and experience onto the content of your website. If you do not know enough, just do some serious research about the topic.
As you build content that is authentic, that people will engage with, you begin to build authority in the eyes of the search engines. They start to see your website as credible, trustworthy, and something awesome that they would want to send their users to.
So this is exactly how you will get free traffic. People searching for answers related to your niche will see your website ranking on page 1 of their search results. When this happens, you will get hoards of free, unstoppable traffic.
This can even be built into a passive income stream. Once your website establishes itself in the niche, you will continue to get free organic traffic, as long as you keep the site well-maintained and up to date.
If this sounds like something you may like to do, click on the link below to hop over to my other post, where I go in much greater length about this method:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of AZ Millionaire Method
1. Satisfaction guarantee
What they offer is a satisfaction guarantee, so it does not sound like the usual money back guarantee. I have a feeling you may face some obstacles when trying to get your money back.
Cons of AZ Millionaire Method
1. No real owner, false testimonials
All I have is distrust for this product, when the real owner dares not show up, and the testimonials are not real.
2. Too much hype
The emphasis on instant earnings, and huge ones, throughout the sales video, is too much. It is never going to deliver what it claims, so the disappointment you are going to get will be huge.
3. Upsells
Just as with any product that is out to get your money, of course AZ Millionaire Method is no exception. You will be bombarded with pricey upsells right after you purchase the front end product, even before you have a chance to find out if it works or not.
Affiliates of this product can make up to $270 per sale. Which means the total value of the front end product and all the upsells must at least add up to $500, possibly much more than that.
Is AZ Millionaire Method Scam or legit?
If you ask me, I say this AZ Millionaire Method scam is a real one. Because we do not know who the product creator is, and the fake testimonial is enough to bring the trust level down to zero.
It is as useless as products like Bulletproof Profits, Income Magnet, and Million Dollar Replicator, to name just a few.
I absolutely do not recommend AZ Millionaire Method.
Affiliate marketing is a really powerful way to make money online, though.
And the best way to do it is through free organic traffic. Not only is this traffic free, it is also highly targeted, because these are people actively searching for your offers, that is how they found your site in the first place.
These visitors also have strong buyer intent. So they would convert into buyers at the highest rate, when your recommendations are authentic, genuine, and serve to help people.
To learn exactly how to get free organic traffic, let me show you a training platform that also offers 2 websites, absolutely FREE. You get 10 free lessons on affiliate marketing too. These will get you started, so you can try it out for yourself, to see if this method is something you like. Click on the button below:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this AZ Millionaire Method review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.