Welcome to my The Great Heist review.
If you have landed on this newest product, and are wondering what is The Great Heist, whether it can live up to its promises of making you tons of money instantly, you need to read this article to the end.
There are too many scams going around on the internet these days, you can never be too careful. When something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
So what is this hidden $1.47 billion market that will be revealed in The Great Heist? What secret method is this that all the gurus are scrambling for, and you actually got invited as the privileged few to learn it?
We will answer these questions and much more, in my honest and in-depth The Great Heist review, where I walk you through all the red flags, to help you make your decision as to whether this product is worth your money and time or not.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!
The Great Heist Review Summary
Product: The Great Heist
URL: https://www.thegreatheist.co/getstartednow?hop=0
Creator: Unknown
Product type: generic training on various broad topics
Price: $9 (this gives you access to Club Heist, only for the first 14 days, after which you will be charged $37 per month) + upsells
Scam / Legit? : I want to call it a scam, but it does provide some form of training, though it’s quite useless
Recommended or not? : NOT recommended
The Great Heist is some generic training on very different money making methods like cryptocurrency, ecommerce, email marketing and Facebook marketing. They are useless because they do not go into sufficient depth to help you learn to implement each method.
If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on useless products, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:
Read on for the detailed review of The Great Heist, and why I absolutely do not recommend it.
What is The Great Heist
Let’s find out what is The Great Heist by first taking a look at its landing page.

That’s really quite a huge claim to make, isn’t it? That this is the closest thing to printing money that you may see for the next decade.
From the start, I already do not like their sales pitch, as they are tempting viewers with these shiny, glittery promises.
Apart from the mention of Facebook messenger, Whatsapp, and the China version of these which is called WeChat, as well as something about advertising revenue, nothing else is divulged about what you are going to get if you buy The Great Heist.
This messenger marketing system promises you $10K per month, with this profit engine that does not need any experience or technical skills to start earning from it.
The spokesperson in the sales video also mentioned that this system is created by Li Min and his team, a group of Chinese experts based in Chicago. Well, whoever that is, there is no way we can verify or identify them, because no other information is provided.
Now, let’s put the glitter and glamour aside, and take a peek right inside The Great Heist, to see how it can help you generate such impressive profits, if it can ever do that.
What exactly is inside The Great Heist
The Great Heist is nothing more than some very generic training (in ebooks format) on these topics:
- Facebook messenger chatbots, how to implement them to get leads, and then how to nurture your leads with email marketing. This is the same stuff as what you get in another product called The China Secret.
- Cryptocurrency – Airdrops secrets and Millionaires calendar
- eCommerce – how to use Shopify for your online store, how to be an Amazon affiliate, and some eBay secrets like how to do arbitrage on there.
It is obvious that these are random materials put together just to make it seem like you are getting a lot of value for your money.
What has cryptocurrency got to do with eCommerce or Facebook messenger marketing? These are all completely different things, thrown together mindlessly.
The content inside these ebooks is too general, without actionable steps for you to implement, to get started. This kind of information can be easily found on the internet for free.
If you purchase The Great Heist with the hope of making $10K per month soon, you are going to be sorely disappointed. This product is going to bring you in circles, one day learning how to set up a chatbot in Facebook, another day setting up Shopify store.
The owners behind The Great Heist do not know what they are doing, and they themselves have never used any of the methods inside the ebooks to make money.
They simply bought these ebooks from somewhere like ClickBank, bought their licensing rights, jumble them up to make it seem like something with very substantial content, and then fluff it up with promises of the moon, that will never be delivered.
What’s more, they make it into a Club Heist subscription with monthly membership fees of $37. Yet it is never made clear what you will be paying for, in this membership. I’m guessing it’s more ebooks that are not relevant, not focused, that they buy off some digital marketing network.
The Great Heist is made not with you, the customer, in mind. But solely to line the pockets of its creators.
It will not work for you, because it has never been intended to work for you.
How I make my online income
I guess everyone starts off wanting to make it rich fast. It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I wasn’t spared of all the temptations on the internet myself.
But when I realised those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.
I found a dull-looking object, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. From then on, I have never looked back.
I am now working full time from home, growing my internet business, and making an online income. I started from scratch with zero knowledge in this area. If I can do it, you can, too.
Here’s a peek into my earnings on a recent day:

As you can see, more than $100 a day is very do-able. And this is not even at its maximum potential yet, I’m still growing this business every single day.
Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners. The best part is, you get to start for free:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of The Great Heist
1. 30 day money back guarantee
This is a ClickBank product, so you should be able to get your money back within 30 days, by going through ClickBank directly, if you are dissatisfied with the product.
2. You do get your ebooks
You do get your ebooks for Facebook messenger bots and chatbots, cryptocurrency, and eCommerce, if it helps at all.
Cons of The Great Heist
1. The creators of the product have not made an appearance
Not knowing who is behind a product is certainly not a good thing. More often than not, it simply means the product is a low quality one, at best.
2. Sales video is all hyped up
The sales video is nothing but hype, without the important information about what exactly you will get inside The Great Heist, depriving you of your rights to make an informed decision for the purchase.
$10K a month you will never get by following their ebooks training, no way.
There is so much depth to each method that is not covered in this set of training, that to be successful in just one of them even with the proper tools, resources and training is already quite a feat.
3. Upsells
Like any other product that is created to dig deep into your pocket, The Great Heist is no exception.
To begin with, there is the $9 upfront cost, which is in fact only for the first 14 days of Club Heist, after which you will be billed $37 per month. This fact is not put across in a clear manner.
There is some mention of 14 days Club Heist membership on the house, in their sales video. But it was also highlighted more than once that you will get another 60 days of free membership, making it a total of 74 days.
This part, I believe to be intended to mislead and confuse their potential customer. Not very transparent.
Then, you will also be bombarded with these pricey upsells, before you even get a chance to try out the front end product to see if it truly works for you.
Upsell 1: $197 – Club Heist
Upsell 2: $147 – The Crypto Millionaire’s Calendar
Upsell 3: $97 – Heist ECommerce Profiteers Society
Is The Great Heist Scam or legit?
The Great Heist does give you some jumbled training materials, so I am hesitant to call it a scam. But you can be sure you will not become an expert at Facebook messenger marketing, or eCommerce, or cryptocurrency, simply by following their training.
This product is as useless as some others I have reviewed, like Seven Dollar Click, CloutBucks, and Trenzy, to name just a few.
Opportunities abound on the internet. Unfortunately, there is also too much noise from people trying to earn a quick buck out of you.
It is not that difficult to find success online. The point is to find a proven method that has brought success to people before you, learn the ropes, implement what you have learnt, and stick with it until you see results.
The problem with online stuff is that too many people give up too early. They find something, try it out, do not see results in an instant, and decided that it is another scam that doesn’t work.
This platform that I want to show you has an entire community of more than 200,000 active members, with real people, real success stories.
This real deal does not promise instant results, but instead provides the knowledge and lifelong skills required to grow a successful online business, which is exactly what I have done. Check it out by clicking on the button below:
And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this The Great Heist review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.