If you have received some promotional material about this newest product in your inbox, and are here checking out if the Social Video Suite scam is real, you are definitely at the right place.
First of all, let me congratulate you for doing your due diligence before you purchase any product, especially these days on the internet, it is so full of scammers everywhere, it pays to be more careful.
In your search, you would have seen lots of raving reviews about this product, with many extra bonuses thrown in. Those are done by its affiliates, all jostling for a piece of the pie.
They will promote any product regardless of its quality, because that is how they make their living, by riding on the waves of product launches. They do not care about adding value to you.
Here, you are safe from the noisy crowd.
I am not promoting this Social Video Suite, so you can be assured of my honest view. I will be scrutinising it in great depth, through the following sections:
- its review summary
- what it really is, and how it will not work for you
- its pros and cons
- is it scam or legit
- my recommendation
Social Video Suite: Review Summary
Product: Social Video Suite
URL: https://socialvideosuite.com/new-wso/
Creators: Brett Ingram and Mo Latif
Product type: Create videos with Powerpoint
Price: $29
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
Social Video Suite leverages on Powerpoint to create videos that are supposed to convert your audience into buyers. It has music, video footage, images, transitions, fonts, and style, all included in the software.
Although it looks good, actually you do not need this product to create professional-looking videos using Powerpoint. (Here’s a much better video maker alternative: FlexClip.)
Moreover, if we are talking about converting people into buyers here, personally I would prefer to read while doing my research on products that I am considering buying, because I have total control over which parts I want to zoom in on while reading, unlike videos, where I have to sit through the whole thing.
If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on products that are not essential to your online business, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:

Read on for the detailed review of Social Video Suite, and why I do not recommend it.
What is Social Video Suite
Information presented in sales video and landing page
Social Video Suite leverages on Powerpoint and allows you to create highly converting videos, that will makes you sales without having to spend on expensive video softwares, or engaging the specialists to do it.
You simply select a video template, edit and customise it, and you’re ready to get customers rolling in.
With videos dominating the internet these days, you really have to jump on board, to stay ahead of the game for your online business.
YouTube mobile videos grow by 100% each year.
Videos increase your search engine ranking by 157%.
45% of internet users watch over one hour of FaceBook or YouTube videos a week.
Everyone loves visual content. So videos work. And not just any low quality videos. Because if it does not get your attention, then it won’t get your customers’ attention too.
90% of people are ready to buy after watching a video.
YouTube has 6 billion views per day, and FaceBook 8 billion.
Video is the most important medium to connect your customers to your offers and sales.
But here’s the kicker:
It takes time to learn to make a video from scratch, it takes skills and lots of experience to convey the message across clearly, and it takes cost to engage specialists, or buy video softwares, if you are not equipped enough to make these videos by yourself.
With Social Video Suite, the game changes.
You will be able to make show-stopping videos that have the greatest impact on the audience. With video footage, music tracks, loops, social icons, shapes, elements, and special effects, you will crush your competition with this video maker.
Why Social Video Suite will not work for you
Numbers can be interpreted to suit their sales pitch
I will go straight to the point, to my biggest argument against the sales pitch of Social Video Suite.
They use numbers to show the rising trend for people’s preference towards watching videos, and claim that is why you should include videos in your marketing, otherwise you stand to lose out.
I disagree with that.
The 8 billion views per day on FaceBook videos is a result of not just more people being addicted to their mobile devices and just mindlessly scrolling through their feeds, it is also due to the habit that people like to take videos as they go about their lives, or when they happen to catch some unusual occurrences, and will upload on FaceBook for friends to watch, or for it to go viral.
It is telling about our way of lives, and not so much about people wanting to watch videos before they buy any product.
Anyway people go on FaceBook to socialise, which has been the main function of this social media platform. They want to catch up with friends, write some post about how they are feeling that day, watch some funny videos or viral ones, to relax after a hard day at work.
It has nothing to do with buying things. People on FaceBook generally have no buyers’ intent.
The same goes for YouTube, for the most part. People post there just because they feel like it, or they captured some footage of some incident, and many are videos of people’s pets or children. Or they want to teach others some life hack, or kitchen hack, or show which restaurant is infested with rats. Random, interesting day-to-day stuff.
That is what majority of the videos are about. Again, not a lot to do with buying products.
No doubt, you can also find videos that are selling or promoting products. But they may not have the kind of high conversion rates as stated on the sales page of Social Video Suite. More about this in the next section…
When I do product research, I do not like to watch videos
Is it just me? Am I the 10% of people who do not convert after watching videos? Or has the 90% who convert after watching videos been exaggerated in the numbers?
When doing my research before buying things, I like to read reviews, because I can skim through the entire article, find parts that are important or relevant to me, and just spend a few minutes zooming into those information that is critical for me.
In this sense, my time is used more productively to analyse stuff, look at its pros and cons, read a few reviews before I finally make my decision.
If I watch videos, I do not have this kind of absolute control. Instead, I will have to sit through the entire 15 minutes or 20 minutes video, since i do not know where the important parts are exactly.
So I get frustrated easily when doing my research by watching videos, because I feel like much of the time is wasted.
I also prefer the written form because i can take my time to absorb whatever part of the information i need, and easily come back to refer to it later. But with videos, it’s difficult to extract stuff like technical information.
When watching a video, you are a passive absorber. But when I am researching on some stuff, I want to be a proactive learner, and I want to have total control over where i go, making the most efficient use of my time.
Limitations of Social Video Suite
This is a software that leverages on Powerpoint. Do you think it can even compare with those professional video making softwares? The costs are drastically different, and the reasons are obvious. You pay peanuts, you get peanuts quality.
If you are satisfied with a video produced using Powerpoint, then you actually do not need Social Video Suite.
It is not difficult to make great videos with just whatever they have inside of Powerpoint, without any added features.
Search and you will find.
Here is an example of a simple tutorial to make videos with Powerpoint.
But of course with Social Video Suite, you do get a lot more video templates, music, transitions, special effects, and more.
On the sales page, it was explicitly mentioned that you do need some skills and experience to send the message across and make an impact with the videos you product. The irony is, I do not see how this lack of skill and experience can be circumvented just by using Social Video Suite.
What’s more:
With the library of stock images and stock videos, it means your video will not be totally unique. There may be snippets of it (taken from the stock video library) that your audience finds uncannily familiar.
Once people start buying this product, there will be many duplicates of your videos all over the internet.
To end off this section, I just want to say that videos are great to supplement the written word, but they cannot completely replace creation of content with the written word.
The proper way to make money online
The point here is, videos supplement your website’s content, and helps to increase your SEO (search engine optimisation), it does not replace it.
If you are talking about producing solely videos for all your offers and promotions, then you would be using a YouTube channel, building it up, creating lots of videos on it, get people to subscribe so you have a fan base.
This is a good way, but ultimately the YouTube channel does not belong to you. You are simply parking your stuff on the platform. You never know what is going to happen down the road, these days things can change pretty fast.
Hence, ultimately it is still the best to own your website, because that is your online property, an online asset that you can call your very own. Since you have paid for a plot of land in the internet space.
You can do anything you want with your website: establish your brand, build your own email list, offer discounts to some of the products now and then, give away free gifts, etc. There are endless ways to interact with your audience and build trust and rapport with them.
Most importantly, whatever effort you put into your website is there to stay, and in fact it adds up. It contributes towards your site authority, for the search engines to accord great rankings to you.
When you get the love of the search engines, the world is under your feet. You get unstoppable free organic traffic that is bound to convert, because what they are actively searching for and what you are offering are the perfect match. That was how they landed on your website in the first place.
In this way, you get a constant influx of new visitors, all for free. It is the most valuable thing for any business, whether online or brick and mortar: new visitors. While you continue to nurture the relationships with repeat visitors, so they keep coming back to your site.
Having said these, now I want to show you an awesome training platform that I followed, from a complete beginner without a single knowledge of setting up my website, choosing my niche, and writing content that ranks well in the search engines.
I learnt everything I know today from this platform, where they have a free members area for you to try things out before deciding if this way is for you. You get 2 websites absolutely free (including hosting and domain names that you get to choose), along with 10 free lessons which are top-notch.
Go take a look and you will understand what I mean. Click on the link below to hop over to my other post where I give a detailed review of this training platform:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of Social Video Suite
1. Real owners
Having seen so many scam products, I always appreciate it when owners show up for their own products. So we know they are real people, and there will be some level of credibility and accountability.
2. 30 day money back guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product.
3. There is some value in the software
This product is not all that bad, really. So if you wish, you could go ahead to give it a try. But check out those demo videos on their sales page first, to see if that standard of video quality is fine with you.
Cons of Social Video Suite
1. It cannot compare with professionally-made ones
For one, I myself will not be using this software, because it leverages on powerpoint. Which means you are basically making slideshows, adding transitions and making it run like a video, of course being able to save it as a video file.
If I were to make videos, I want it to be authentic, for the sake of my viewers. I have not found the courage to appear in front of a video as of now, but should there be a day when I do, I will want to be right up in front of the camera, engaging my viewers.
2. I do not make purchases after watching videos
Videos may be a part of my research process, but I have never bought anything right after viewing a video, because I want to read up more. I may want to look for the specifications of a certain product, and compare it with another model. I may want to read lots of user reviews that can be found on a certain trustworthy platform.
So to say 90% of people purchase after watching videos, I’m really not too sure about that.
3. Upsells
Just as with any product whose creator wants to make the most money out of you, Social Video Suite is no different. They will bombard you with pricey upsells that give you a much larger library, more enhanced features, and what not, even before you have a chance to try out the front end product, to see how well it works.
Upsell 1: $47 to $97 – VIP version
Upsell 2: $47 to $97 – Maximizer
Upsell 3: $37 to $97 – Agency License
Upsell 4: $47 to $97 – Elite
Is Social Video Suite Scam or legit?
The Social Video Suite scam is not true, because you do get a software which allows you to leverage on Powerpoint to make videos, and the sales page is very forthright in showing you what you will be getting when you purchase the product. There is no hype about it, you get what you see.
This down-to-earth sales pitch is something I really like about this product, unlike so many others that I have reviewed, like Spring Profits, Affiliate Cash Club, and Profit Maximizers, to name just a few.
I do not recommend Social Video Suite, because it does not add a lot of value over and above what Powerpoint is already capable of. If you want something better, then it’s more worthwhile to spend your money on a more professional video maker.
Ultimately, if you are looking at a long term sustainable online business, having your own website is still the way to go. That is the foundation which will keep your business rooted, no matter how things may change on the internet scene.
If you have no idea where and how to start building a website, do not worry, I was in the exact same place at the start of my online journey. In fact, setting up a website is the easiest part of the equation, and can be done within 15 minutes.
The best part is:
With this platform that I’m going to show you, you get 2 websites for free, so that you can try things out, and then decide for yourself if this is the route you want to take to build your online business.
You do not need to enter any credit card details, so it’s totally risk free. Click on the button below to check it out:

If you have any concerns or questions regarding this Social Video Suite review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.