Does One Minute Free Traffic Scam You?

One Minute Free Traffic ReviewIf you have received some promotional material in your inbox, and are checking out how real is the One Minute Free Traffic scam, you have landed at the right place.

First, kudos to you for doing your research, and not taking things at face value. Especially these days, there are too many scams and useless products on the internet, you really have to guard your wallet closely.

Next, I want to say I am not promoting One Minute Free Traffic, unlike all those raving reviews out there by its affiliates, all offering their extra bonuses, jostling for a piece of the pie.

This is crazy:

Those people have never used the product to earn a single cent, and yet they promote it like their life depends on it. They actually make their income tapping on to new product launches, riding on all the buzz and the hype created by each wave of product launch to make a killing.

Here, I offer my honest and unbiased view of the product, taking it apart to study its inner workings, so we can understand exactly what it is.

My in-depth review of One Minute Free Traffic will comprise the following sections:

One Minute Free Traffic: Review Summary

Product: One Minute Free Traffic


Creators: Matt and John Rhodes

Product type: training videos on getting free traffic with Quora

Price: $9

Scam / Legit? : Legit

Recommended or not? : Not recommended

One Minute Free Traffic basically teaches you to use Quora to get free traffic, by looking for questions to answer, and answer them in ways that will get you the traffic to wherever you want to get them to.

Sales materials are way over hyped, and does not give a clue about the exact method used. I do not like it that they expect you to buy without knowing what you are buying.

You may get a trickle of traffic after spending one minute on the platform (that’s what this product teaches), but how could it possibly be called “set and forget” traffic that attracts thousands of red hot buyers for you on autopilot? That I really do not understand.

If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on useless products, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:



Read on for the detailed review of One Minute Free Traffic, and why I do not recommend it.

What is One Minute Free Traffic

Information presented in sales video and landing page

You know, after viewing their sales video and reading their sales page, I had to get my eyes checked.

I had rolled my eyes so much I couldn’t get them back from inside!


one minute free traffic set and forget


It gets worse.

It was full of hype, never-ending hype that felt stifling for me.


one minute free traffic easy


It’s full of how easy it is, how everything takes just one minute to set up, how you can do it once and forget about it while it still brings you red hot traffic that is ever ready to buy!

If it’s really so powerful, $900 may have been a more reasonable price, rather than a cheap $9.

I know there is no such thing that exists in this world, but I was still curious to know what method they are going to teach.

I couldn’t guess it the first time I saw this. But on hindsight, it should have given me sufficient clues. Would you have guessed it correctly?


one minute free traffic how it works


Ok, now let’s dive right into the members’ area to see what this little-known method is all about.


What One Minute Free Traffic really is

This is it… the moment we have all been waiting for… This must be the most exciting $9 I ever spent, because I had no inkling what I was going to get!

So here it is:

The method they teach, is none other than using Quora to find free traffic. By finding the right questions to answer in Quora, and learning how to construct your answers properly and tactfully, you should be able to get traffic that is ready to buy.


Seriously, I never expected this product to be about Quora. Sorry, Rhode brothers, but this is so lame and such a no-brainer!

You mean people wouldn’t have thought of Quora before? Or any forums, for that matter?

The fact is: it doesn’t work this way that they teach!

Before I jump the gun, let’s take a look at its 22 training video titles. Yes, that’s 22 videos, just to teach me about posting on Quora! Is it to make a subject without substance seem like there’s a lot of meat in it?

In fact, stuff with real substance will not be broken up into such tiny fragmented pieces like that.

Well, you can see and decide for yourself:

  1. The OMFT mindset
  2. The OMFT system explained
  3. Where does the OMFT speed come from?
  4. Writing a letter to a friend
  5. How to write 150 words per minute
  6. Why is this traffic free?
  7. What is this almost magical platform?
  8. How to sign up for your own Quora account
  9. How to maximise your Quora profile
  10. Following the right Q topics
  11. What questions to answer for maximum traffic and value
  12. How to create real value at insanely fast speed
  13. The “best of” top secret
  14. How to sell on Quora without really “selling”
  15. What to sell on Quora (even if you have no product)
  16. The Quick Affiliate system
  17. Quick Affiliate System case study example
  18. 3x Fast Fortune Leverage System
  19. 3x Fast Content Freedom
  20. One minute list secret: The Lazy Q Lander
  21. Finally – it’s “Q-time”!
  22. Your OMFT Breakthrough


Why One Minute Free Traffic will not work for you

Look: video #1 about the OMFT mindset, teaches you to keep trying, keep testing, and never give up. So you buy a product that teaches you to spend one minute on your answers, and then teaches you to persevere at it. Nice.

From video #3, the OMFT speed, which refers to the one minute setting up time, actually refers to your typing 150 words per minute in answering a question on Quora. I’m not supposed to roll my eyes anymore, the doctor told me not to.

So this is exactly what they were referring to on their sales page. Now it’s all coming together…


one minute free traffic set up


They’re really good with words, aren’t they?

Ok, Quora is a great social platform for questions and answers. People go there to ask all kinds of questions under the sun. It can also be a great source of free referral traffic, if you take the time and effort to master it. Not by spending one minute on your answers.

Maybe there is a bit of value in the training videos about which Quora topics to follow, and what questions to answer for maximum traffic, as well as how to sell on Quora without really selling.

But these are not hard to figure out for yourself, if you spend a bit of time on Quora, some relevant forums, or even target FaceBook groups.

In fact, I found this article that discusses extensively about getting traffic from Quora! And it’s free, you don’t have to pay a cent for it.

To get buyers’ traffic on Quora is not easy at all, particularly if you have just signed up for an account.

With the amount of scams going around these days, I don’t think anyone will trust a newbie in there. You have to first establish yourself, build up trust and rapport within the community of your niche.

Although there are no groups or niches to belong to, if you are there long enough, people will know you. Provided you always aim to add value by providing your most authentic answers to people’s questions, then they will start to respect you as the authority in the field, and trust your recommendations.

It works like this for everything we do. Add value first.

Moreover, this “one minute” spent on answering each question is only the start of your funnel. Where you send them to, when they click on the links you place in your answers, is another aspect which cannot be overlooked.

Would you rather send them to a dubious, hyped up sales video, or your own reputable and established website, directing them to a particular blog post that provides all the relevant information they need, with your recommendations or affiliate links incorporated in the content?

Or are you aiming to collect their email addresses, by sending them to a landing page where you provide a free gift and they can opt in for it?

All these back end work takes time and effort to build up. It’s not just about the one minute spent on Quora.

People are not stupid. They can tell who is there to exploit people just to make some money for themselves, and who is there to add value first.

And if you are doing it the authentic way, it takes time to produce well thought-out answers, and to establish your presence on Quora. Shouldn’t this be much more important than trying to type at 150 words per minute?

It’s ridiculous, the loss of sight at what really matters.

Look, I will tell you the proper way to make money online.


The proper way to make an online income

If you want to succeed at your online business, you have to start with setting up your own website. That is the core foundation of every online business, even if you want to leverage on Quora for free referral traffic.

With a website, you can build your brand around it. It is an online property, an asset that no one can take away from you. Whatever you build upon it is there to stay, and it accumulates, which is the best part.

Whatever work you put onto other platforms will not stay there for you, because you do not own those platforms. They may decide to take down old threads. Even if that does not happen, your answers, all the work you put in, will easily get buried beneath all the noise and activities that occur on a daily basis.

As your website ages, search engines accord it greater authority, because they like older sites that have proven that they are there to stay.

This means as you build content on your site, you will get better rankings in search results, so then you will get free organic traffic. This traffic is the kind with buyer intent, because they are actively searching for what you are offering. They landed on your site in the first place simply because your content is the perfect match for what they were searching for.

Do not be daunted by having to set up your own website, in fact that is the easiest part. I know of an awesome training platform that will bring you step by step through setting up a website, and even give you 2 free websites (including hosting and domain name), along with 10 free lessons.

Click on the link below to hop over to my review of that training platform, where you can get to see how top-notch their training is:


–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–


Pros of One Minute Free Traffic

1. Real owners

Well, at least the owners are real people, so we hope there can be some accountability for the product.

2. 30 day money back guarantee

This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product.

3. There is some value in the training

I can’t say you get nothing for the $9. You do get some training, from which you could possibly generate some ideas, when it comes to promoting your offers and getting traffic from Quora.


Cons of One Minute Free Traffic

1. Traffic from Quora is not all buyers

People are there on Quora to ask questions. When they see some recommendations, they will definitely go and check it out further, since they are people who will do their research. So even if you do get a trickle of traffic from Quora, you would be really lucky to get more than a few conversions.

Unless you are directing them to your established website, then there would be a higher chance of them converting into buyers.

2. Not minimum effort like what it is made to sound

You definitely will not generate much traffic if your aim is not about providing authentic answers that will really add value to the community there. It takes time and effort, if you want to see any increase in your referral traffic from Quora.

3. Guarantee your results, and yet no guarantee

Take a look at this: first they guarantee that this will work for you, 100%.


one minute free traffic guarantee


Then, they say the earnings for the average user is $0, because people do not implement it. I think it’s more likely that they implemented it but it didn’t work?


one minute free traffic earnings disclaimer


4. Upsells

Expensive upsells, as usual, just like any other product that serves to make money for its creators.

Upsell 1: $62 – One Minute Buyer Clicks

Upsell 2: $72 – Resale rights

Is One Minute Free Traffic Scam or legit? 

My answer to: does One Minute Free Traffic scam people? Is NO, it is not a scam.

It is a legitimate product, consisting of training videos that teach you how to get free traffic from the social questions and answers platform: Quora.

But it is overhyped, like so many products I have reviewed before: Bank Ramp, Flipp Ninja, and Golden Ticket, to name just a few.


I do not recommend One Minute Free Traffic, because it does not teach the right way to get traffic from Quora. It teaches you short cuts, spend one minute to type out your answer, and leave it there to keep generating you buyers’ traffic for years.

To get Quora to work for you, you have to first put in the work – you need time and effort. An important question to ask is: where are you going to send people who click on your link? If it’s directly to an affiliate offer of some product, you won’t be able to build trust and credibility on the platform.

First, you need to get the foundation of your online business right, by having your own website, on which you can build your brand, and build content. This allows people to be engaged on your site, and see that you have a lot of value to offer, hence they will view you as the authority in the niche, and start trusting you.

Once you have this strong foundation, you can then promote your site anywhere: social media, Quora, or any other relevant forums that are related to your niche. Your website will then gain exposure, you can start to build your email list, and nurture relationships with your readers from there.

At the same time, search engines will start to give you recognition, and drive free organic traffic to your site. Once you get that kind of traffic, it’s unstoppable, and you can build it into a passive income.

I hope you can see now, why having your own website forms the foundation for an online business to be sustainable.

Don’t be daunted, though. Because setting up a website is the easy part, it takes less than 15 minutes to be up and running.

I want to show you this platform, where you can build 2 websites, absolutely free (comes with hosting and you get to choose your free domain name as well), along with 10 free lessons to get you started.

Click on the button below to read my review of this platform, and see for yourself how people are making money there:



If you have any concerns or questions regarding this One Minute Free Traffic review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.

2 thoughts on “Does One Minute Free Traffic Scam You?”

  1. Thank you for your review on the One Minute Free Traffic system. Like you, I found the non stop barrage of hype mind-numbing, which led me to google and ultimately to your blog.


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