Welcome to my CloutOG.co review.
What is this #1 influencer network in the world that wants to pay you $10 to $15 for every friend you invite to the platform?
Is it for real? Or is it too good to be true?
Well, I’m really glad you are being alert, and are digging around for more information about this website. I can tell you upfront – this is a huge SCAM.
They will not pay. Join me in this in-depth review, as I walk you through all the red flags, so that you can see for yourself how they are trying to cheat innocent people. I will also explain how the whole scheme works.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now!
CloutOG.co Review Summary
Product: CloutOG
URL: https://cloutog.co/
Creator: unknown
Product type: influencer network
Price: free to join
Rating: 0 out of 5
Scam / Legit? : SCAM
Recommended or not? : NOT recommended
CloutOG.co is a website created with the sole intention of scamming vulnerable people. It makes you do work (by completing tasks) which earns them money, but they will not pay out even a single cent.
On top of that, it sells your contact information to third party advertisers. What is even more dangerous is the potential landmines that you may step on as you engage on the platform. Exit the website, and do not promote it to people around you.
What is CloutOG.co
To find out what is CloutOG.co, let us first take a look at its website:

Self-proclaimed to be the #1 influencer network in the world, CloutOG.co connects influencers (that’s you) to advertisers.
When you refer your friends and others onto the platform, advertisers get to reach out to a larger audience group, hence they happily pay CloutOG, which then shares its ads revenue with you.
Besides receiving a $25 bonus upon signing up (all for free), they also want to pay you handsomely for doing simple tasks.

$50 for uploading a Youtube video, $35 for downloading an app, $35 for completing a survey, and $2 per click on your referral link.
It does sound enticing.
But hold on. Don’t be in a hurry to get onto the platform.
In fact, the biggest red flag is how they want to pay you money that seems out of this world, for doing the simplest things.
This kind of earnings is unheard of in the advertising industry. And that is how I know they are fake.
I know this may not convince you yet. In the next section, I will walk you through all the other red flags on the CloutOG website.
Red Flags in CloutOG.co
1. Fake testimonials
Firstly, the testimonials on its website are fake.

Alissa says she started with CloutOG a year ago.
But the platform did not exist until January 5, 2020. Take a look at this:

That is the date that its website domain was registered. Brand new and just over two months old.
2. Fake social media buttons
At the bottom of its home page, there are social media buttons, giving the perception that CloutOG.co has a strong social media presence.
That is far from the truth.
If you click on any of those buttons, they simply lead you to the home page of the social platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, etc. And not to the specific accounts of Clout OG.
How can the #1 influencer network not even have its own social accounts?
The only social media account they have (as of the time of this writing) is Instagram. Even then, not a single comment from members shows on there.
After paying out $158 million to over 730K members, as claimed on their website, they have only 93 followers on Instagram? That’s fishy, if you ask me.
3. Fake email
The email address provided at the bottom of its website does not look legit.

This is bad, as it shows that there never was any intention on the part of CloutOG’s admin to get in touch with its members.
What happens when you try to cash out and encounter some issues? Who do you look for? In fact, it will be then that many people realize they have been scammed.
4. They lie on their ‘About’ page
They claim to have started in March 2015, in Amsterdam.

Well, we now know that is not the truth either.
5. Video testimonials are created by other victims of the scam
These people who uploaded their videos onto Youtube to promote CloutOG.co still had no idea it was a scam when they did it.
They saw the earnings on their dashboard going up, and got excited about sharing the great opportunity with other people.
If you scrutinize those videos, none of them have showed any payment proof.
6. Terms and conditions page
Read this joke on their terms and conditions page:

So you have to be 99 years or older in order to use the site.
It’s no wonder no one is able to cash out their money, then.
And it’s certainly not a typing mistake, 99 appears not just as a number, but it’s spelled out in word as well.
I can spend half the day just pointing out discrepancies on the platform, but let’s not let CloutOG.co waste anymore of our precious time.
How CloutOG.co Works
1. It makes you do work without any intention to pay
Nowhere will you find a legitimate platform that actually pays out $35 per survey, $35 per app download, $50 per Youtube video, and $2 per click.
These are the scammers’ attempts to make people do plenty of work for them.
When tasks are completed, the vendors that CloutOG.co work with will pay them, but nothing near the fortune that CloutOG is offering everyone.
Hence, they will not pay.
2. The tasks put your online safety at risk
You have seen how the people behind CloutOG are willing to lie blatantly for the sake of money. We have no idea what kind of vendors they work with, they may be as shady as these scammers.
Thus every click on the platform could put your online security at risk.
For instance, downloading an app could introduce some virus or malware onto your device that steals your files and information.
Signing up for some free trial could lead to theft of your payment details.
Clicking on some link may land you on some dubious website, like an illegal online casino.
3. Your contact information will be sold to third parties
With your name and email address that you used for signing up onto the platform, CloutOG.co will then collate everything into a list, and sell it off at a good price to third party advertisers.
This is a highly targeted list consisting of people who are all interested in making money online. The very act of signing up onto the platform is telling of this intent. That is why it fetches a high price.
And you will start to receive lots of unsolicited emails in your inbox, from people or companies you have never heard of.
They will all try to sell you the underground method to instant earnings, or the done-for-you business that runs on autopilot without you ever lifting a finger, and all kinds of nonsense that we know will never work.
But that’s what many people still buy into, so that’s what vendors will create and sell – junk that promise the moon but fail to deliver, without fail.
To round up this article, let me recap and summarize the pros and cons, before I finally make my conclusion.
Pros of CloutOG.co
There is not a single advantage to the platform. It will do you much more harm than good. Do steer clear of it.
Cons of CloutOG.co
1. It wastes your time and effort
It makes you do tasks, but it has never intended to pay you right from the outset.
2. Your online safety will be at risk
These are shady characters. We may never know what lurks behind the next click until it is too late.
3. Your contact details will be sold
Though it may seem like a minor hassle to receive spam in your inbox, the fact remains that it is an infringement of your online privacy. It is wrong to trick people into signing up onto a platform, and then turn around to sell their information behind their back.
Is CloutOG.co Scam or Legit?
CloutOG.co is a scam, through and through.
It is very similar to other recent scams I have exposed, including NextCash, KingsRansoms, InboxDollar, ShoutNow, and EZ Bucks, to name just a few.
An Alternative
I know you want to be rich. Believe me, I do too.
It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I mean, find me someone who doesn’t want to get rich fast, and with minimum effort.
I wasn’t spared of all the temptations on the internet, hopping from one shiny object to the next.
But when I realized those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.
I found a dull-looking one, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. And from then on, I have never looked back.
An honest, down-to-earth method that will get you there. It’s not going to be easy, but it will get you there.
Versus the fast and easy way that gets you nowhere except round and round in circles.
Which would you choose?
I think I can guess your choice. 🙂
So now, let me extend my humble invitation for you to join me on this online journey.
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You can do this too.
Here’s a peek into my daily earnings:

That’s almost $200 in just one single day. It’s nothing to boast about, though, as it’s just a small fraction of its full potential. I just wanted to show you the possibilities.
Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners:
This real deal does not promise instant results.
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And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this CloutOG.co review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.