Bank $9K in 30 days with this secret traffic source? Exactly what is Snowball Traffic?
Will it finally send tons of visitors to you? Or is it another hyped up useless product that promises the moon but never even gets close to delivering?
What source does this traffic come from? What is the method taught to monetise it?
I’m sure you are here checking out this product, because you want to get more traffic to your business. Which is what everyone wants, in fact, including myself.
Even brick and mortar businesses want more traffic! Because traffic means money!
So let’s dive right in and find out if this is something worth investing our time and money in. In this article, I will provide an in-depth review of Snowball Traffic, through the following sections:
- its review summary
- what it really is, and how it will not work for you
- its pros and cons
- is it scam or legit
- my recommendation
Snowball Traffic: Review Summary
Product: Snowball Traffic
Creators: Fergal Downes, Bill Hugall, and Simple Spencer
Product type: Training on FaceBook Groups marketing
Price: $7.97
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
Snowball Traffic teaches about setting up your own Facebook Groups to market stuff in your chosen niche. With proper content creation and authentic engagement, it is possible to build up your own loyal following, which you can then monetise.
There are successful internet marketers doing this. The case study that showed $9K earnings in 30 days is not from a complete beginner, but by someone who is already very much established with his FaceBook group, after toiling for years in his niche. In this aspect, the sales materials of Snowball Traffic are overhyped and wants to have you believe that it is a get rich quick scheme.
If you skip the steps and get ahead of yourself, focusing too much on social media marketing without building a strong foundation for your online business, you will be setting yourself up for failure.
Check out this proper way to make money online:

Read on for the detailed review of Snowball Traffic, and why I do not recommend it.
What is Snowball Traffic
Information presented in sales video and landing page
So what exactly is this secret method that is unique and fresh, that no one is using, doesn’t require a website or any list building, no experience or technical skills needed, no product or videos creation required, and is totally newbie friendly?
Owned by 3 known names in the internet marketing niche, it is an extremely easy method, without requiring any tedious blogging or SEO skills, literally just 30 minutes per day is all it takes to start the snowball rolling!
This is a proven system that can turn you into a profit generating machine!
It’s a short promotional video, but from beginning till end, it never divulged what the method is. The sales tactic is very apparent: giving you everything that you want, easy big bucks with minimum effort. It’s what everyone wants, but those who have succeeded on the internet know there is no such thing.
It also goes to show that the owners of this product do not really care about you or your welfare, as they are expecting you to part with your money without even knowing what you are buying. They do not respect your rights to making an informed decision for your purchase at all.
I always do not get the point. If it’s a good product, word will get around, and others will start buying it, their business will prosper. There should be nothing to hide at all. So cloaking the product under a hood of secrecy simply tells me not to trust these guys, as they cannot even be transparent about what they are selling
What is Snowball Traffic, really…
They don’t tell, but we will find out somehow. This is what the Snowball Traffic method is all about:
Create your own FaceBook group around your chosen niche, and build your following to get traffic. At the same time, find products to promote within your niche, and get your affiliate links which you can then use to earn a commission when people click through those links to buy the products you recommend. That’s the gist of what is Snowball Traffic – FaceBook Groups targeted marketing, coupled with affiliate marketing.
Here are the 14 training videos you will get in the product:
- Niche selection: anything you are interested in, but the make money online niche is suggested.
- Setting up your FaceBook group: create your group, then engage someone from Fiverr to design the FaceBook cover for just $5.
- How to pin your post for better effect.
- How to craft your group description to include keywords.
- Group settings
- Part 1: how to get 400 to 600 group members on day 1 (spend $40 to shout out through an Instagram influencer)
- Part 2: how to get 400 to 600 group members on day 1 (continued from previous video)
- Use Buffer (costs $15/month) to schedule your posts)
- Use BuzzSumo (costs $79/month) to find viral content for your group. Alternatively, engage someone from Fiverr to do it for $25.
- Engage a virtual assistant from Fiverr to take care of the Buffer schedule, for $5.
- Run FaceBook Live for engagement, once you hit 10,000 members.
- Techniques for better engagement
- Part 1: exactly what to promote – ClickBank and Warrior+Plus products
- Part 2: exactly what to promote (continued from previous video)
I have to admit, this training series is quite comprehensive, for such a low price. But there are a few issues I see, the largest being hidden costs. Lots of costs involved in the exact methods that they are teaching, especially the monthly subscriptions for Buffer and BuzzSumo.
Secondly, apparently the Instagram influencer that you are told to approach may not be so responsive, and how many shout outs is he going to drive, when everyone who buys this product looks for him to gather their groups’ members? Moreover, since your niche can be in any area, that particular influencer’s shout out may not get you targeted traffic who will respond to your group, as interest areas may not coincide at all.
The last issue I have with the training content is you are asked to promote ClickBank and Warrior+Plus products, most of which are digital products that fall in the make money online niche. Knowing these two affiliate networks, because I have been reviewing lots of products on there, these days it seems there are just more and more products which are totally not worth your time, not to mention your money. So I’m not comfortable that anyone makes it their core business promoting this kind of scammy digital products.
Next, we talk about the fundamentals of how anyone should run an online business properly, and why Snowball Traffic deviates from that.
Why Snowball Traffic will not work for you
The method taught in Snowball Traffic is a very legitimate way to get traffic and make money. In fact, I am using affiliate marketing on my own websites too, that’s how I monetise them. Except I don’t get my traffic from FaceBook, or any social media platform for that matter. Because it takes years of experience and an influencer to command the kind of trust, rapport and engagement with your FaceBook group traffic, such that the conversion rates to your recommended products will be high.
And who says no one is using this ‘fresh and unique’ method? Lots of people are using it, but the vast majority of FaceBook groups, especially for beginners who are just starting out, are just struggling to expand and keep itself afloat. The few successful ones we see have been at it for years and years, getting their foundation right first, before anyone will trust them enough to follow them and engage with them.
What we see is the tip of the iceberg, when they are reaping the success of their hard work, their blood and sweat, which we do not see, as it is the submerged part of the iceberg.
So what do I mean by building a strong foundation for your online business? It is very much related to how I am getting my traffic.
If your business relies solely on your FaceBook group, it is actually a very risky thing, because we do not own FaceBook. Just like the personal pictures we upload on there can be legally used by FaceBook, the group that you work so hard to build up can very brutally be taken down one day, as it’s totally up to the discretion of FaceBook, we have absolutely no control over it. Anything can happen, in fact, who is to say FaceBook will still be around 5 years from now? The teenagers these days are already saying FaceBook is an old dinosaur.
In the online world, the only guarantee is owning an online asset – your very own website. Because you buy the domain name as well as its hosting, it is yours only. You have absolute control over it, whatever hard work you put into it today accumulates and adds on to whatever has been built up prior to this, and whatever you will create in it tomorrow.
This is the meaning of a strong foundation for an online business. Nothing else can be guaranteed to hang around forever, not Pinterest, not Instagram, not YouTube. But your website is something that you can pass down from generation to generation, once you build an empire out of it.
The other amazing thing that happens as you build up your own website is that the search engines start to see it as the authority in your niche, because you load it full of authentic, genuine content that aims to help your website visitors. So as people search for answers in your niche, your website ranks high on their search results, as what you offer is the perfect match to what they are looking for.
This is called free organic traffic, and is the most targeted kind of traffic that will convert at the highest rate. So as you focus on building up your online asset, the side effect is a stream of visitors that are happy with what you recommend, so make the purchase through your affiliate links, and you earn a commission.
This is how I have been doing it, and I know it works. So I want to show you the way…
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of Snowball Traffic
1. Real owners
The owners of Snowball Traffic are well known in the internet marketing niche, so at least they must be given credit for being proud of their creation, and being accountable for it.
2. 30 day money back guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product.
3. There is value in the training
The training is definitely of some value, and the general direction it takes is proper and legitimate, not teaching some shady method. But how effective it will be in helping newbies to get traffic, I’m seriously doubtful.
Cons of Snowball Traffic
1. Focuses on the internet marketing niche
Though you are free to choose your own niche, the focus of this Snowball Traffic training focuses primarily on digital products in the make money online niche, of which many are worthless. So if you were to recommend these to people in your FaceBook group, they would stop trusting you, whatever relationship you have nurtured would all be washed down the drain.
2. Not minimum effort like what it is made to sound
The sales materials of Snowball Traffic are all too hyped up. No beginner will be able to earn $9K in 30 days. Trust me. Only experienced internet marketers like the creators of this product could. They make everything seem so easy, no website, no email list, but don’t you think building up your own following on FaceBook is actually going to be much tougher?
It’s all about interpersonal relationships, rapport, and trust. It’s going to take lots of hard work. Which first and foremost needs a website to build your own branding, and create content around your niche, for your website visitors to see.
When they can see how sincere and authentic you are in trying to help them, they will be happy to join your FaceBook group. Without any name and reputation, no online storefront to attest to the quality of your recommendations of products, people have no reason to trust you.
3. Not for newbies and struggling marketers
If you are new in making money online, or have been trying for a while but seen no success, then Snowball Traffic is not for you, because it distracts you from your core business, and sets you up for failure.
Only people who are experienced enough, and have seen some success, can smoothly move on to social media, depending on which they are more comfortable working with. Only then will social media platforms serve their needs, as they are merely scaling up their profits. Their foundation has been built, and is able to support the growth of their empire.
If you have not built your foundation, now is the time to set up your own website. It’s not too difficult, I did it from scratch, without any technical know-how. See the awesome training that taught me everything I know today:

4. Upsells
There are numerous upsells in Snowball Traffic, which attempt to dig even deeper into your pockets.
Upsell 1: $27 – Fergal’s done for you pack and case studies
Upsell 2: $17 – Super simple $300/day method
Upsell 3: $37 – full resale rights
Upsell 4: $27 – how to bank insane 5 figure days
Upsell 5: $12 – Simple buyers list building method
Is Snowball Traffic Scam or legit?
Snowball Traffic is definitely no scam. It is a legitimate training course on building traffic through FaceBook groups, with sufficient detail to learn something out of it.
But still, I do not recommend Snowball Traffic, because it is not what beginners should be putting their energy in. Similar products I have reviewed before include Traffic Ivy, Traffic Mojo, and Traffic Multiplier, just to name a few.
Start your online business the proper way, by building up an online asset that will be yours to stay for the many years to come. As you focus on creating authentic content on it, the side effects is an unstoppable stream of highly targeted traffic that will fall in love with you, and become your loyal fans.
This is how a sustainable online business should be built: by striving to add value to your readers. When you do that, you really do get traffic that will snowball on its own.
Take a look at the training platform and community I’m with, and see real people with real results: