What is this new software that allows you to legally hijack traffic and authority from Wikipedia and YouTube, to earn instant affiliate commissions in any niche? Is My Traffic Jacker scam or not?
First of all, I want to say I’m happy for you that you are doing your research for this product, before deciding whether to purchase it. You really can’t be too careful, especially with the amount of scams floating around on the internet these days.
You might be wondering:
How exactly does this software work to get you free traffic from those two such authoritative sites? Is it really legal? Will you get into any kind of trouble for this? How exactly do you make money using this method?
We will answer these and more, in my honest, unbiased and in-depth My Traffic Jacker review. I am not promoting this product, so rest assured I will not be pushing it to you, but leaving it entirely up to you to decide, after reading my objective views on it.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in!
My Traffic Jacker Review Summary
Product: My Traffic Jacker
URL: https://launchspecial.com/mtj-special-w/
Creator: Joshua Zamora
Product type: Software that finds expired domains that have backlinks on YouTube and Wikipedia, which you can buy and profit from.
Price: $47
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : It is legal, it can be profitable, so it’s really up to you, though I personally wouldn’t use it.
My Traffic Jacker finds expired domains that are still linked to YouTube videos, as well as Wikipedia pages. You can then buy these domains, and redirect them to whatever that can allow you to profit from, like your affiliate offers, your eCommerce store, your own website, your own YouTube channel, etc.
This is legal to do, since the domains are expired and up for grabs. The thing is, softwares like this aren’t new. There are already many people doing this. So the earning potential I can see here is rather limited.
If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on shortcuts that cannot point you in the right direction of building out a full time online income, check out my #1 recommendation instead:
Read on for the detailed review of My Traffic Jacker, and why I personally wouldn’t use it.
What is My Traffic Jacker
Let’s first take a look at the information presented in its sales video and landing page.

The idea is a simple one, brilliant but not new.
Every single day, people upload thousands of videos onto YouTube. They place links below the videos, to direct people to their websites. Over time, some of these video owners forget to renew the domains linked to in their description area.
This is when My Traffic Jacker comes in, as it is able to find these domains, which you can then buy, and monetise, by redirecting the link to your own offers instead.
Domains can be bought for typically $10 to $15 per year, after which you would have to renew them.
The same can be done for links on Wikipedia pages, which link out to countless privately-owned sites, as they build out their content. My Traffic Jacker can find expired domains that are still actively linked from Wikipedia.
If people click on those expired domains, they are brought to a message that says the website does not exist. These are wasted clicks, traffic that is interested in the link but not directed anywhere.
By buying those domains and redirecting to your own website, you can send traffic to your site, that comes from other people’s hard work. Of course it must be related to your niche, which is taken care of in this software, in the field that requires you to enter your keyword.
For instance, if you search for expired domains on YouTube in the weight loss niche, this is what you may find:

You can then try to do some research on the domain, to find out its domain authority, and stuff like that, before deciding if it is worthwhile to buy it.
It looks good, it is legal, can be profitable, so why not?
Let me now explain why I wouldn’t use it myself.
The pitfalls in My Traffic Jacker
Firstly, the videos on which you find the expired domains may be very old, from a few years back, and not getting much traffic. You may have to bring it back to life, through social sharing, or other means.
The other thing is, redirected domains tend not to get much authority from search engines. So if you are thinking of redirecting to your own website, yes you may get more traffic. But in terms of SEO (search engine optimisation), its effects may be limited.
More importantly, as everyone starts buying this product and using it, there will be no more expired domains left for you to buy, especially if you are in a very competitive niche.
This last point breaks the deal:
There are too many scammers who are already doing this. They are on the prowl for the best domains that are just expired. Anything with great domain authority, you can be sure they will be the first to grab it. Those left are not going to help you a great deal in terms of traffic and money making opportunities.
They buy these domains, and then make fake eCommerce sites, selling branded shoes, for instance, at half price. The objective is simply to collect unsuspecting victims’ credit card details. That is the extent of atrocities they engage in. So you can be sure they will snatch up domains like their lives depend on it.
Here is a link to an article that talks about this issue.
The proper way to make an online income
From what I can see, My Traffic Jacker is not a sustainable way to make money online, simply because scammers and domain hijackers have been doing this for years.
If there are any expired domains not taken up, chances are they will not benefit you in terms of getting free traffic to your offers or other pages.
I guess everyone starts off wanting to make it rich fast. It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I’m not spared from it.
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Pros of My Traffic Jacker
1. Real owner
The creator of My Traffic Jacker is a real person, sincere in presenting to you everything that the software is capable of, on the sales page and demo video, so you know exactly what you will be getting and how it works.
2. 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product. But there’s a caveat: only if you can show that you took action and did not make any returns on your investment.
3. You do get a software that works
The software does work, it’s just a matter of how profitable you can make this method.
Cons of My Traffic Jacker
1. Not easy to find expired domains with authority that have not been bought up
I do not see much potential in any earnings here, knowing how scammers have proliferated their acts using this method.
2. Upsells
Just like any other product that is created to dig deeper into your pocket once you purchase the front end product, My Traffic Jacker is no different. I have never liked the idea of upsells, because they give me unpleasant surprises, creating the feeling that I would lose out on the full potential of the product if I do not get those upsells.
Upsell 1: $27 – My Traffic Jacker Academy, case studies.
Upsell 2: $47 per quarter – My Traffic Jacker Elite
Upsell 3: $47 – SyndLab + SyndBuddy combo pack
Upsell 4: $67 – SubJackers
Is My Traffic Jacker Scam or legit?
My Traffic Jacker is a legitimate software that works. But it may not get you all that free massive traffic surge that you are hoping for.
I do not think it will help your business, just like many other products I have reviewed: 60-Minute Empire, Boomerang Buddy, and Secret Online Goldmine, to name just a few.
I personally will not use My Traffic Jacker, though it is entirely up to you. I guess there is no harm in giving it a try if you really want to, just to see whether you can find some really good domains in your niche.
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If you have any concerns or questions regarding this My Traffic Jacker review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.