In this post I will give my honest and in-depth AuxMoney.icu review.
Hopefully this will allow you to see the true colors of this scam site, so that you stay away from it, and encourage others to do the same.
Do not believe any income claims. What people are showing are the earnings from the dashboard.
Not a single person has managed to cash out, because the website has never intended to pay out even one cent, right from the onset.
I will walk you through all its red flags, so that you understand the grounds on which I am making these statements.
Without further ado, let’s dive right in now.
- What is AuxMoney.icu
- Other red flags on AuxMoney.icu
- What AuxMoney.icu really wants from you
- Pros and cons of AuxMoney.icu
- An alternative
AuxMoney.icu Review Summary
Product: AuxMoney.icu
Creator: Unknown
Product type: PTC (paid to click) website
Price: free to join
Scam / Legit? : SCAM
Recommended or not? : NOT recommended
AuxMoney.icu is a blatant scam that lures people onto its platform disguised as a PTC site, with an ulterior motive to harvest your data and steal your payment details.
It will do much more harm than good, and will never pay out a single cent that it promised. Stay as far away from this site as possible.
What is AuxMoney.icu
To find out what is AuxMoney.icu, let us first take a look at its website.

It looks like the way to earn is a very simple one. Earn 10 cents for every ad unit that you view, and earn 50% of your referrals’ earnings.
To be frank, I knew this was not a legitimate website the moment I saw it.
10 cents per ad view is way too high. Imagine if you just sat in front of the computer all day to click on and view ads, this is going to earn you a full time income.
As they claim, work 3 to 5 hours per day, to make $50 to $300 into your account.
Then take a look at their leaders board. The top earner has made $318 from watching ads, and $156 from his or her referral commissions.
It means this person would have watched 3180 ads on a single day.
This is impossible.
Firstly, companies using such PTC (Paid To Click) platforms are not paying this kind of rate. And with AuxMoney.icu as the middleman between viewers and advertisers, they will take their share of middleman earnings too.
When other players in the industry are paying 1 cent or less per ad view, 10 cents per ad by AuxMoney.icu sounds very dubious.
Secondly, there is no way any member can get that huge number of ads to view on a single day. The typical practise is for PTC platforms to limit the number of ads that members can watch, some as low as only 10 to 20 ads per day.
This is because there are just not enough ads to match up to the number of members on legitimately paying PTC sites.
Hence AuxMoney.icu is a guise to lure people in, with a darker agenda than the PTC platform makes itself out to be.
These are not baseless claims. Check out the other red flags found on their website.
Other red flags on AuxMoney.icu
1. Its website design is duplicated on other scam PTC sites
Take a look at OluMoney that I recently just reviewed.

It has the exact same website design as AuxMoney.icu.
Tell me about its credibility.
2. Fake news menu
On the left menu on its home page, there are various news articles dating as far back as March 2019.
But a simple query shows us that the AuxMoney.icu domain was only registered on September 27, 2019.

This means the news section is fake. The ‘links’ aren’t even clickable.
3. No support
The only form of support they offer is a message board.
No email contact.
The peculiar thing is, my message that I posted when I signed up to OluMoney to test things out have appeared on the AuxMoney.icu message board, when I hadn’t even signed up to it yet.
This shows that on the back end, they are the same wolf under different sheep’s clothing.
4. These scam sites turn out to be all related
Piqued by curiosity, I signed in to AuxMoney.icu (without ever registering for an account on the platform itself) using my OluMoney username and password.
Guess what?
My OluMoney log in details got me right into AuxMoney.icu.
Well, I never…
5. Not an ads viewing platform at all
Inside the members’ area, you aren’t exactly watching ads at all. This is their supposed ‘ad unit’.

The horrible spelling aside, how does this amount to viewing an ad? I really couldn’t figure it out.
Simply enter the numbers I see to earn me 10 cents each time. At my fastest, I earned $3 in one minute. That works out to $180 per hour. But of course I did not do that for one whole hour.
At this rate, I could easily surpass the highest earning person on the leaders board!
But I really wonder who they are trying to fool. This simply does not amount to viewing ads at all.
Legit PTC sites typically require you to stay for between 5 to 10 seconds on each ad, to amount to viewing it.
What AuxMoney.icu really wants from you
Sell your contact details to third party advertisers
What they want is to harvest your data: your name, email address and password when you first sign up.
They then sell their members’ contact list for a handsome price to third party advertisers, as this list comprises of people who are very interested in making money online.
Hence it is seen as a laser targeted list that will respond to most products that claim to get them rich fast, with little effort.
So be prepared to get your inbox flooded with unsolicited spam emails, promoting useless stuff that will never deliver what they claim to be capable of, but which will seem ever so enticing.
Steal your payment information
This second motive of AuxMoney.icu is much more dangerous to your online security and safety.
When you try to cash out, the system requires you to enter the details for any of your chosen payment method – bank account, PayPal email, and so on.
I tried it, when I was still at zero earnings in my account. They actually sent me to the page to fill in all those payment details. Only after my submission (don’t worry, I did not submit real information) did a message appear to say I did not have enough earnings for cashing out.
This gave me a strong suspicion that they are only interested in getting my payment details.
One more thing: I wouldn’t use the same password for AuxMoney.icu as what I had used for important stuff like email, bank account, etc. You never know what these people are capable of.
To round up this article, let me recap and summarize the pros and cons, before I finally make my conclusion.
Pros of AuxMoney.icu
To be honest, there is not a single plus point to this platform. It is dangerous, you’d be better off keeping your distance from it.
Cons of AuxMoney.icu
1. Malicious intent
It steals your payment details without even checking if you have met the minimum threshold for cashing out.
Legitimate PTC sites will not want to bog down their servers with so much redundant data, as there may be many members who try out the platforms for fun, without ever reaching the amount for cashing out.
2. Get spammed
Your inbox will receive lots of offers that look very tempting, but they all just serve to dig right into your pockets.
3. Waste of time
After spending much time ‘viewing ad units’ and getting referrals to sign up with the program, you will ultimately discover that they had never intended to pay out right from the onset.
4. People you referred will lose their trust for you
Especially if you had encouraged family and friends to sign up, genuinely thinking it was a great earning opportunity, then relationships with them may suffer when they find out the truth about this scam website.
Is AuxMoney.icu Scam or legit?
AuxMoney.icu is definitely a scam that will not pay out a single cent, because its promised earnings are way over the top, that will get them out of business even before they started.
Other illegitimate websites I have exposed include Tap2Earn, Paid4Tasks, Star-Clicks, Emerald Bux, and NeoBux, to name just a few.
An Alternative
Everyone wants to be rich, but guess who will make it?
It’s a very natural thing, that’s just human nature. I mean, find me someone who doesn’t want to get rich fast, and with minimum effort.
I wasn’t spared of all the temptations on the internet, hopping from one shiny object to the next.
But when I realized those empty promises are only going to make other people rich, and not me, I stopped looking for shiny objects.
I found a dull-looking object, but I knew in my heart that is the real deal. And from then on, I have never looked back.
An honest, down-to-earth method that will get you there. It’s not going to be easy, but it will get you there.
Versus the fast and easy way to empty your pockets and get you nowhere.
Which would you choose?
I am now working full time from home, growing my internet business, and making an online income. I started from scratch with zero knowledge in this area. If I can do it, you can, too.
Here’s a peek into my daily earnings:

That’s almost $200 in just one single day. It’s nothing to boast about, though, as it’s just a small fraction of its full potential. I just wanted to show you the possibilities.
Check out this training platform that provides all the resources, tools, along with an entire community of aspiring as well as already successful online income earners:
This real deal does not promise instant results.
Instead, it provides the knowledge and lifelong skills required to grow a successful online business.
And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this AuxMoney.icu review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.