Exactly what is Fast Cash App that will help you make $22,750 in just your first week? How could you have missed such a golden opportunity all along, and only found out about it now?
First of all, congratulations to you, for taking the effort to do your own research about any product you come across. It will save you tons of time, money and frustration.
Wondering if Fast Cash App is finally the one that will clear all your debts and pave the way to financial freedom? You’re at the right place, as this is where I provide honest and unbiased of reviews of products, to uncover all their untold secrets, and help you make informed decisions.
In this article, I will provide an in-depth review of Fast Cash App, through the following sections:
- its review summary
- what it really is, and how it will not work for you
- its pros and cons
- is it scam or legit
- my recommendation
Fast Cash App: Review Summary
Product: Fast Cash App
Creator: “Robert Fisher”
Product type: Internet marketing training
Price: $37 + upsells
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
Fast Cash App is an overly hyped up product, too typical of those scammy ones that over promise, and do not deliver anything close to what they claim. The only reason for its existence is to make money for its creator, “Robert Fisher” who does not even show his face throughout the sales video.
What you do get is some useless training that is of low quality. You can find much more great stuff for free on the internet these days.
If you want to start earning an online income, let me show you the proper way to do it. There is no get rich quick scheme that works. People who made tons of money online have slogged it out over the years, to get where they are today. There is no short cut around it. If you are not willing to put in the hard work, then you are better off not trying to find anymore ways to get rich, because you will just end up getting scammed of more of your money.
If you are ready to get some serious learning done, and be pointed in the proper way to make money online, then let me show you the training platform that helped me build my online business from scratch:

Read on for the detailed review of Fast Cash App, and why I do not recommend it.
What is Fast Cash App
To find out what is Fast Cash App, I first took a look at its sales video. What was claimed as a short 4 minutes video that will change your life, turned out to be a draggy 16 minutes video! That went on and on and on about how you should get Fast Cash App right now, before it’s too late, wait no more, ….. blah blah blah.
Huge income claims with no proof
There is David, who made thousands with this product. Oh and Rachel, who just banked in $10K yesterday.
Come on, do they really take us for fools? Anyone can imagine names and income earnings, without any evidence, they are just wasting the time of their viewers.
Easy money
You supposedly do not need any experience or skills to start earning from today! Anyone can do this, as long as you have a computer or a smartphone, you do not even need an education!
There you go, targeting the human weakness of wanting to earn lots of money, FAST, and with minimum effort. Wanting instant gratification. Everyone wants that, who doesn’t? Whatever that we like to hear, is presented to us in a bubble. When we reach for it, pop it goes, into thin air.
All these sales pitch, without letting you in on what the product is about, how it is going to work to make so much money for you. No, no such information at all. This raises a big red flag.
No information about how the product actually works
They are using secrecy, to try and pique your curiosity (this killed the cat, remember?) enough to purchase the product. Throughout the video, they are just teasing the viewer, sounding like they will be revealing the secret the very next moment, but no matter how long I stretched my neck, the cat just stayed inside the bag.
Think about it, will you spend money on a product without having an inkling of what it is? Do you think this type of marketing campaign is in your best interest? Denying your rights to make an informed decision, is that even respectful towards their customers?
So for products that don’t reveal themselves before you make the purchase, I just shake my head and give it a big thumbs down.
Dubious owner
Who in the world is “Robert Fisher” is he does not even bother to show his face throughout the sales video? Are we just going to take their word and believe that he is a writer, researcher, and online business expert? A dishonest one at that?
When no one makes himself or herself accountable for a product, you really can’t trust it at all.
Scarcity tactic
They make it seem like you are one of the chosen few who get to watch this sales video, making you feel very privileged, giving the feeling that you should not miss this golden opportunity.
This is another sales tactic for low quality products. If a product is really great, word of mouth gets around, the product owners are going to make more sales and become successful. Why would anyone want to limit their marketing efforts to a selected few?
The proper way to make money online
This is what I have been doing, and I know it works because it is earning me a side income, while I make the choice to stay at home for my kids. The thing about using this method is that I can build up my online business to earn me a passive income in the future. But nothing comes for free. You want the money to keep rolling in without having to work, then you’ve got to put in the hard work now. It can happen, but it is no easy feat.
I do this by setting up my own website, and building content on it, in whatever niche area that I choose. So you build your website around your own passion. A website is an online asset. It is grounded with strong foundation, because it is your own property. Whatever effort you put in to build it up is there to stay, it accumulates.
Search engines also start to give your website recognition when they see authentic content on it. So they start to rank you high, when people search for answers related to your niche. In this way, you get free organic traffic to your website.
Once you get traffic, there are many ways to monetise it. The way I do it is by affiliate marketing – I recommend products that are related to my niche, that will help people solve certain problems. When they click through my affiliate links to buy the products, I earn a commission from the companies selling the products.
This is a great way to make money online, because I don’t own any products, I don’t have to deal with any inventory, delivery, customer complaints, etc. And when the website becomes really established, I won’t even be able to stop the organic traffic coming in through the search engines.
That is how a passive income stream is built. Through hard work, on a solid foundation.
Take a look at the training platform that helped me achieve all these:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of Fast Cash App
1. 30 day money back guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product.
2. You do get your training materials
Regardless of the quality, you do get some tangible training materials.
Cons of Fast Cash App
1. Suspicious owner
We really do not know this Robert Fisher guy, so we can’t trust him at all.
2. Income claims not verifiable
Just saying this guy from somewhere made so much this week with this product, and expecting anyone to buy it, is really testing our intelligence.
3. It will not deliver as promised
It will not get you $22K in your first week. Successful internet marketers who are earning this amount will tell you it took them years of sweat, toiling at their online business, before they are able to earn this figure.
4. Upsells
Like any other product that serves the greed of its creator, Fast Cash App will try to rip off more from you, should you make the purchase for the front end product. Even before you have a chance to try it out, you will be aggressively sold the upsell products, which will claim to make you more money faster, and get you better results.
Nah… never believe in those. If the front end product cannot deliver what it claims to, these upsells definitely can’t be worth this much. They add up to a whooping $400+!
These are the upsells, also called OTOs (one time offers):
Upsell 1: $197 – Fast Cash 2.0
Upsell 2: $177 – Fast Cash Pro
Upsell 3: $97 – Fast Cash Social
Again, like the front end product, there is not much information provided for these upsells, so you never really know what you are paying for, until you actually get the product, by then it would be too late to decide that they aren’t really what you are looking for.
And also bear in mind that when you purchase any of the upsells, the transaction is between you and the product creator, no longer on the marketing platform of the front end product which is governed by the money back guarantee. So when you purchase the upsells, you will never get your money back if you are not satisfied with them.
That is the brutal truth, these product creators are only interested in making money for themselves, they do not care about customer satisfaction at all. Afterall, they know they won’t get repeat customers or word-of-mouth referrals once you get to learn how ‘helpful’ the products really are.
Is Fast Cash App Scam or legit?
I will still say Fast Cash App is a legitimate product, only because you do get some tangible stuff from them, which is your training materials.
I do not recommend Fast Cash App, because instead of teaching you the proper way to make money online, they try to give the impression that it can earn you $22K in the first week, which is just absolute nonsense.
To make an online income the proper way, it is important to be shown the path to take, by people who have already done it, and are successful in it. Because these days, there is too much noise on the internet. Everyone has their own say, their own way of doing things.
The training platform that I am with teaches the core steps in building an online business, in a sustainable way. The focus is very clear: build up your own website, because whatever content you put on it is there to stay. And as time goes by, it is just going to gain credibility and the trust of your website visitors and the search engines.
Once you establish yourself in the niche, and you get consistent free organic traffic from the search engines, the world is at your feet. You can take your business in any direction you want, it will become your first source of passive income, and you will be thankful that this day, right now, you take action to start working on an online income.
Click on the button below to check out that awesome training platform I was talking about: