If you are researching the Wealthy Affiliate University Scam, you have landed at the right place. Here is where you get to find out the real truth about this affiliate marketing training program.
You must have seen all the positive reviews about Wealthy Affiliate, and probably felt them staged. Those people are all promoting Wealthy Affiliate, of course they only have good words to say about it.
Here, I want to show you the other side of the coin. The stories of people who joined and left, those who never found success through this platform.
So sit tight as we go on this roller coaster ride, which is the ride of real life, with its ups and downs, successes and failures, truths and lies.
Wealthy Affiliate Review Summary
Product: Wealthy Affiliate a.k.a. Wealthy Affiliate University
Creators: Kyle and Carson
Product type: Affiliate marketing training platform
Price: Free for starter membership (for as long as you want until you are ready to go Premium, if ever), or premium membership at $49/month or $359 per year (which works out to $30/month)
Recommended or not? : It depends (read on to find out what I mean)
Wealthy Affiliate University is a training platform for affiliate marketers, founded in 2005, and has since evolved into the leading program in its industry, with unmatched technological capabilities, an entire community for support, and of course its top-notch training and resources.
But life is not a bed of roses. Some people call Wealthy Affiliate a scam, and I can understand the stories behind why they say that.
Read on for the detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate University, as we explore both sides of the coin.
What is affiliate marketing
First, let me explain this very quickly.
In affiliate marketing, you promote someone else’s product. Some retailer, supplier, vendor, etc. When people make purchases through your affiliate links, you earn a commission from those retailers.
There are many advantages to this business model:
- You do not have to create or own any product.
- No need for storage or logistics for any inventory.
- No need to deal with customer complaints, or reliability of suppliers, as the sales transactions take place directly between customers and suppliers.
- No need to handle delivery or refunds.
See how neat this way of making money online is?
What do you need to get started?

These are the 4 main steps laid out systematically in Wealthy Affiliate University.
Step 1: Choose an interest, also called a niche. Preferably it is something you are really passionate about, or have a vested interest in, like a health issue, a hobby, anything. The more important thing is to narrow down your niche, so that you can dwell deeply on the subject, and become the expert in the field.
Step 2: Build a website. This is vital to building up your online presence. Because this is your very own real estate in the internet space. Anything you create on it stays there forever, and adds up.
Do not worry if you have no experience here, in fact this is the easiest step. With the technology these days, you can set up a website within 15 minutes.
–>> Try it for FREE here, as Wealthy Affiliate gives you 2 FREE websites <<–
Step 3: Attract visitors. There are many possible ways to do this. The traffic method taught in Wealthy Affiliate is free, and the best of its kind, as it is organic, from search engines.
Step 4: Earn revenue. Once you get traffic, you can start to monetise them, through your affiliate links.
All these are taught through 50 actionable lessons, in the Online Entrepreneur Certification course. When you join as a starter member, you get the first 10 lessons for free. This will allow you to see the quality of training that you can expect in Wealthy Affiliate.
Having understood what the training platform entails, I will now answer the burning question you have:
Why do people call Wealthy Affiliate University Scam
Expectation. Perspective. Mentality.
Many people who are new to Wealthy Affiliate chanced upon the platform while searching for reviews of products that promise to make them the big bucks fast. Fast means instantly. Like today, or tomorrow, or at the latest by next week.
It is perfectly natural, as it is only human nature. Especially with our fast-paced world, we need to be efficient and get results fast, otherwise we should move on to try other things, right?
When people join Wealthy Affiliate, they know it is not a get rich quick scheme. So they temper their expectations.
“One month? How about this: in one month I must see it working, doesn’t have to be a full time income, but there must be some sign that I’m in the right direction.”
One month came and went.
Site was indexed by Google, but traffic was almost zero.
“Well, let’s give it another month and see.”
Continued creating content. 2nd month came and went.
On good days, 1 to 2 visitors. But many days are just quiet.
Starts to get impatient and frustrated. All the time wasted, all the effort for nothing.
Month 3 came and went.
“What? It’s still just a trickle of traffic?”
Totally disheartened, throws in the towel, and calls Wealthy Affiliate University scam.
Moves on to continue picking up shiny objects.
Search engines are testing you
The internet has practically no barrier to entry. Anybody can come in and look for opportunities to make money online. If it were so easy to succeed, everyone would be successful. But it just doesn’t happen like that.
You can use paid ads to get traffic, if you have the financial means, and are willing to take the very risky route. But most beginners on the internet do not have such financial resources, or are unwilling to spend.
Thus Wealthy Affiliate teaches the best way to get traffic: by building content, so search engines see you as the authority in your niche, and will give your website high ranking when people search for relevant terms.
This kind of traffic is free, and it sustains itself for the long term once you gain the trust of the search engines. Moreover, it is highly targeted, because what people are searching for and what you are offering are the perfect match.
This means they will be more likely to take up your recommendations, and convert into buyers.
But here’s the kicker:
Since this traffic is free, and the best quality traffic, everyone will be clambering for it. Who should search engines recognise as the authority in your niche?
– Aged websites will be given authority, simply by virtue that they have been around for some time.
– Websites that have relevant quality content, in good amount. Though it’s not a numbers game, amount of content does matter. So you need to be consistently creating content.
– Quality of content matters. For the visitors that do land on your site, are they engaged in your content, or do they leave your website within seconds?
There are other important aspects, but those above are the critical ones that you can’t do without.
All these will take lots of time and hard work, to build up your site authority. It is no joke. Free organic traffic is competitive, since everyone wants it.
Your business will take off if you work at it long enough
It will be so worth it, when you finally work your way up the ranks. Older posts will start to rank, as you keep on creating new content, and raising the authority of the whole website.
When it becomes established, the online business will run itself, as long as you keep it in maintenance mode, still adding content but it does not have to be as frequently as before. This will then become your passive income stream, and you can go on to build a second one if you wish.
This is the entire premise of what is being taught in Wealthy Affiliate, of course with much more details, and along with other components to make your business work.
Who is Wealthy Affiliate for?
As you can sense by now, Wealthy Affiliate will only work for people who are willing to work for what they want to achieve in life.
If you are impatient for results, and cannot imagine working for free, then you are better off just sticking with your 9-5 job, because you do get paid for the time and work that you put in.
Trying to get quick results on the internet will more likely lead to you being scammed.
But if you can see that good things are worth waiting for, and are willing to invest time and energy into building up your very own online business, that can possibly allow you to quit your 9-5 job some time down the road, then
Wealthy Affiliate is for you.
Read on to see the main features and functions you will get within Wealthy Affiliate.
Websites hosting and domain names
The 2 free websites that you get as a starter member come fully hosted at Wealthy Affiliate, along with free siterubix.com domain names that you get to choose.
As you build up your site, it is strongly recommended to change up your domain name to one that is registered under your name, so that your site is accorded with greater authority. The cost is typically $13 to $15 per year. So that’s really a non issue.
As for hosting, it remains free as long as you choose to have it hosted with Wealthy Affiliate.
If you ever upgrade to premium membership, you get 50 websites fully hosted for free at Wealthy Affiliate.
Keyword research tool
Keyword research is one important element of getting your content ranked. You want to go for low competition keywords that have high average monthly searches, so that it is easier to rank, and you will get substantial traffic to your site.
Using just this tool for keyword, and by following the training in Wealthy Affiliate, many of my posts are ranking on page 1. So I know it absolutely works.
If I were doing a product review on some electric kettles, I would choose “best electric kettles reviews” as my keyword for the post, because it has very little competition (as seen by QSR of 36), and a good average monthly search of 104.
These are the kind of things you will get to learn, with all the tools that you will ever need, in one platform. As a starter member, you get 30 keyword searches a month. For premium, it is unlimited.
Awesome community for support and networking
Wealthy Affiliate is much more than a training platform. It is an entire community of real people, all building up their online businesses, cheering one another on, celebrating every little progress, giving friends a nudge when things get them down, etc.
It is about all the real interactions and connections you get to make on this platform. This community has touched my heart deeply, by how genuine it is.
It is also a space for networking, linking up with people who are writing about the same topic as you, bouncing ideas around, creating opportunities for working together, etc.
For me, the connections made in Wealthy Affiliate do not have to stay in there. Some have moved into my real life.
Classrooms and webinars
The experts, the highly successful affiliate marketers, are hanging around to create weekly webinars for the rest of the community. Those are so valuable sessions, where I learn so much.
Anyone can create classroom training, in whatever area they have expertise in. It’s the culture of paying it forward, that sets the tone for daily interaction between people.
So my learning in there does not stop at the 50 lessons of Online Entrepreneur Certification course. In fact, that is just the beginning.
Site support
You have to experience how responsive and professional they are, to understand my gratitude towards them.
Each time I submit a support ticket, the issue is taken up within 2 to 3 minutes, and usually resolved within 10 minutes. It is nothing less than top-notch service.
Do you have what it takes?
Ready to take the first step towards building your very own online business?
If you are not sure if affiliate marketing is the business model for you, simply take the free starter membership, go right into Wealthy Affiliate to check things out!
It’s absolutely zero risk, since there is no need to give any credit card details.
Before I end off this post, I want to assure you that the pricing for Wealthy Affiliate is a totally transparent one, NO hidden costs.
There are only two levels of membership: FREE Starter, and Premium.
The detailed plan is here:

And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it: