What is The Secret Weapon? I was as intrigued as you to find out, as this is the newest product of its kind, launched on 3 January, 2019. Hot from the oven, there is so much buzz and hype about it, it takes just a little bit of probing around to uncover the extent of The Secret Weapon scam.
Can you be earning $217.43 every day, over and over, as a newbie? With this autopilot system that takes minutes to set up, that can start earning you money as soon as today! This method is new, fast, and the secret is actually a simple tweak that literally nobody is using…
Sounds too tempting? Or just too good to be true?
In this article, I will provide an in-depth review of The Secret Weapon, through the following sections:
- its review summary
- what it really is, and how it will not work for you
- its pros and cons
- is it scam or legit
- my recommendation
The Secret Weapon: Review Summary
Product: The Secret Weapon
Creator: Brendan Mace, Jono Armstrong and Eric Cagi
Product type: Affiliate marketing training
Price: $12.95, with upsells of $685 and more
Scam / Legit? : Legit
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
This is another hyped up product by Brendan Mace and his gang, who support one another in creating products in the internet marketing niche that come and go, only because they hardly get near to delivering what they promised, so their products will never last long.
The Secret Weapon is nothing more than good old recycled training videos and materials that teach about affiliate marketing. There is no secret to this, but it is packaged under a cloak of secrecy to pique people’s curiosity, at the same time promising earnings that are impossible, especially for a newbie, so that people will get hooked.
I say this is legit, because the training materials are decent, and as a newbie, you may get some value out of it. But I totally do not recommend it because such information about affiliate marketing is actually everywhere on the internet, for free. A great one that I’d recommend is in the link below:

Read on for the detailed review of The Secret Weapon, and why I simply cannot recommend it.
What is The Secret Weapon
Information presented in promotional video and landing page
I know this is going to send you clicking on their webpage to watch their promotional video, if you have not done so. I happened to be relaxed and not in a rush when I watched it, so I was totally amused.
What with a laughing horse that is threatening to incinerate the blueprint to earning thousands of dollars online, and a chicken that is equally entertaining, along with some good guys who chased the villian all the way to Indonesia!
Go ahead and watch it if you have some free time, not if you’re in a rush though, otherwise you’d be incredibly annoyed at how ridiculous it is. This may have grabbed some readers’ attention for them, but at the expense of making their product seem like such low standard, is something I really cannot comprehend.
Oh well…
So next comes the mandatory income proof, which of course nobody can verify. Daily earnings of $484 certainly does sound attractive! Who wouldn’t want that? I would love it too. But do not be blinded by the promise of wealth, because those are just numbers put out there to lure people who would believe them.
Throughout the promotional video and landing page, you won’t get an inkling of what the method is. Would you part with your money to buy something that you have no idea what it is even?
All you are told is: The Secret Weapon is a brand new method for taking tiny amounts of time and money and turning it into a big daily profit. This is how top marketers multiply their profits while working less time.
It is something you have never seen before. Once you start making money today, you can scale up fast, to as big as you want.
All you have to do is these few simple steps:
- Uncover The Secret Weapon, this takes about 15 minutes.
- Set up using their exact blueprint.
- Sit back as you bank $100+ in profit today.
- Optional, do this only if you want to create a job crushing online income: rinse and repeat to make as much money as you want, day after day.
Supposedly, anyone can use this method to get fast result, even if you have never made a dollar online. The best part is, you don’t need prior experience, or even any product. You don’t need an email list. And you will get big results extremely quickly.
When you buy The Secret Weapon, it comes with 3 bonuses, all valued at a total of at least $2085, for the price of just $12.95!
What The Secret Weapon Scam really is
So, is The Secret Weapon scam real? Or is it a really valuable training course that can earn you over $100 a day from day one?
The method taught in The Secret Weapon is really traditional stuff in the internet marketing world: find some products on ClickBank, get their affiliate links, and promote them. When people click on your links to buy the products, you earn a commission from the creator of the products.
This is simply affiliate marketing. You really can’t get any more traditional than this.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean affiliate marketing doesn’t work. In fact, I’m earning my side income through affiliate marketing. Many successful marketers are earning 4 or even 5 figure income each month, from affiliate marketing alone.
My point here is, affiliate marketing is no secret. The whole internet marketing world knows about it. To shroud it in a secrecy cloak and try to sell it to unsuspecting people just trying to make some money online, to me it is unethical.
This is the gimmick used in so many crappy internet marketing products. Promises of fast cash with little effort, which is what will entice so many people to buy into it. Secret method, secret weapon, etc. to make it seem elusive so that you really need to buy it to learn what it is about.
But as people start buying, they find that it is not delivering the skies that it promised, so negative reviews start to get out. By then, the creators of the product would be armed with yet another all-new earth-shattering profit generator that will get you hundreds of dollars with 5 clicks, and more rolling in as everything is automated and done for you!
I have seen enough of these products that only serve to make fast cash for the creators themselves, because you would be the one sponsoring their next holiday if you buy into it.
If you’re looking for a way to make money online, I can show you how I have been doing it. No promise of hundreds of dollars a day instantly, but if you put in the hard work, this can become your full time income. Here is my #1 recommendation:
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
As you do your research about The Secret Weapon online, you may have noticed many people singing praises of it. Do not be fooled, for those are all affiliates of The Secret Weapon, trying to earn a commission off you, as you click on their links to purchase it.
That is why they are throwing in bonuses of their own, so that you would buy through them, rather than through other people promoting the same product.
In fact, this is exactly affiliate marketing in action. The thing is, there are many ways to do affiliate marketing: either you do it with integrity and to genuinely help people as you recommend truly great products, in whichever niche area you choose, or you hop on the wagon of product launchers whose sole purpose is to make money for themselves.
Pros of The Secret Weapon
1. Real owners
Brendan Mace and Jono Armstrong are well known in the internet marketing world, for creating hyped up products that promise lots of quick earnings. Their reputation may not be the best, but at least we know they are real people, not hiding behind the screen with no face or last name to show.
2. 30 day money back guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product. So you can go ahead to give it a try, and see for yourself how it all works.
3. There is some value in the training
The training videos teach stuff that is affiliate marketing, which may have some value to you, especially if you’re new to internet marketing. You can learn how affiliate marketing works, as they provide straightforward step by step guides.
Its Cons
1. Only works in the internet marketing niche
The Secret Weapon teaches you to look for products in ClickBank to promote. This is quite restrictive, and the thing about ClickBank products is that so many of them are low quality ones, aimed only at making money for the creators of the products.
So this is certainly not the best way to do affiliate marketing. You should not restrict yourself to only digital products in the internet marketing niche. You should have the freedom to choose any niche you want, something you are passionate about, something close to your heart, whether it’s health, food, your hobbies, or anything under the sun.
Affiliate marketing can be applied to any niche area, and you will be able to monetise from it, as long as you learn the proper way to do it.
—>> Learn the proper way to do affiliate marketing here <<—
2. Not free traffic as described in promotional page
The methods for getting traffic to click on your affiliate links, taught in The Secret Weapon, are not totally free as described in their promotional page.
They do teach you one free method: to spam FaceBook groups. Which of course is not recommended, because without any authority or credibility, no one is going to trust you enough to buy stuff that you are promoting. They just make it seem so simple, so that you will buy in.
The other traffic methods taught are actually paid traffic: buying Solo ads, and Bing ads.
Solo ads is a method whereby you buy access to somebody’s email list, so that you get your promotional materials sent across to them. This is not a good method, because it is not targeted. You are just sending your affiliate links to random people, who may not even be looking for anything remotely similar to what you are offering.
Bing ads can work, but it is not easy to profit from it, especially without any experience in putting up ads. The learning curve is going to burn a hole in your pocket, that is why paid traffic is not recommended for new marketers. You should first target free organic traffic, and when you start earning some revenue, you can then use it to run your ads.
3. Not going to earn you a substantial income immediately
Affiliate marketing works, but it is not a get rich quick scheme. If you are willing to work at it, the proper way, it will one day sustain itself and earn you a passive income. Which is a lot better than chasing after the money everyday. But it takes someone who is willing to put in the hard work at the start, to succeed at it.
So the promises of fast cash by The Secret Weapon is just so misleading. You can throw your affiliate links everywhere, but without any experience or credibility, why would anyone believe that you are not a fraud?
It takes time to build up your readers, by first establishing your own website, creating content that helps, this will start to build trust, and people who see that you are genuine in promoting great products will then start to buy through your links.
4. Upsells
This is another big thing about products that mainly serve to make money for their creators. If a product is really that good, then present it upfront, spare parts, and additional costs, and all. Instead of hiding them behind the main product.
I would feel cheated if after buying something, the seller then tells me that I need to purchase another item, in order to make the original product work smoothly.
So when you see upsells upon upsells, you know it’s time to stop, and try to get your refunds. Instead of letting your blood be sucked dry.
Take a look at the upsells in The Secret Weapon:
Upsell #1: $37 – Done For You templates
Upsell #2: $197 – promote higher priced products for high ticket commissions
Upsell #3: $197 – limitless traffic for 365 days
Upsell #4: $157 – easiest system ever
Upsell #5: $97 – reseller’s rights, to take this product and re-package it as your own, and earn 100% of the profits.
That adds up to a whooping $685!
And you can be sure you will experience some hard-selling of these upsells, AFTER you have bought the upfront product. Which would then make you question how great the product really is, if it needs so many spare parts to function at its optimum.
Is The Secret Weapon Scam or legit?
The Secret Weapon is not a scam, only because it teaches a legit way of making money online, which is through affiliate marketing. But the method taught is definitely not the best. Moreover, there is plenty of information all over the internet about affiliate marketing that you can get for free.
The Secret Weapon is a hyped up product that will not deliver its promise of instant big bucks, especially for newbies. Because I am doing affiliate marketing, so I know.
Therefore, I do not recommend The Secret Weapon.
If you think affiliate marketing is something you may want to try out, check out my #1 recommendation, which teaches the proper way to do it, to get free organic traffic, in any niche of your choice: