Welcome to my 24/7 Wealth Club Review. Scam or not? That’s what we will uncover right here.
This is crazy:
Earn up to $13,127 per week starting from today? Doesn’t it sound too good to be true? Then it very likely is.
Instant huge earnings like this is not possible if you are a beginner in internet marketing. Sorry if I have burst your bubble, but I want to be frank and realistic here.
Whenever you see claims like this, stretch your scam detecting antenna right out, which is what I will be bringing you through here, to identify all the red flags in this product.
So let’s dive right in, as I walk you through this honest, unbiased, and in-depth 24/7 Wealth Club review.
24/7 Wealth Club Review Scam Summary
Product: 24/7 Wealth Club
URL: https://247wealthclub.com/live
Creator: “Richard”
Product type: some training on making money online
Price: $37
Scam / Legit? : Scam
Recommended or not? : Not recommended
24/7 Wealth Club uses a shady sales pitch of false scarcity, and makes you feel like you have privileged access to this rare opportunity, while never revealing the exact method that is going to make you so much money instantly.
Its real owner dares not make an appearance, and I know its income claims will never come true for you. So to me, this is a scam that just wants you to part with your money.
If you do not want to waste anymore time and money on scams, check out my #1 recommendation to making money online:
Read on for the detailed review of 24/7 Wealth Club, and why I call it scam.
What is 24/7 Wealth Club
To find out what is 24/7 Wealth Club, let’s first take a look at the information presented in its sales video and landing page.

It is cloaked in secrecy, making you feel like you’re the luckiest person to have the chance to watch this video, as you must have been invited by one of “Richard’s” close millionaire friends. And you are not supposed to divulge this secret to anyone, not even your spouse.
Who is “Richard”? Anyone can make up any name. If he does not come clean with his real identity, I can only assume that he is up to no good with this product, since he dares not take responsibility and accountability for it.
With only 9 spots available (fake scarcity tactic), you have to get your revolutionary done-for-you money making system fast, before it runs out.
The rest of the sales video is simply filled with hyped up claims, mentioning several times that this system can make you $13,127 in the next 7 days. Why such an exact figure, I do not know.
All I know is, they are trying to lure you in with this promise of huge earnings. Without any information on what the method is all about, or how the system will work to make you that money.
It’s obvious that all they care about is to quickly get your money. They are not being transparent in the nature of the money making method at all. Would you trust people who do not let you make an informed decision, but simply give unrealistic potential earnings without any basis?
There’s more:
They say people all over the world are using 24/7 Wealth Club to become millionaires. But when I did a check on their website domain registration, it turns out that it came into existence only in March 2019.

So how is it possible that people all over the world are already on their membership and earning tons of money? Unless it’s just another pack of lies?
What you will get in 24/7 Wealth Club
I have seen many atrocious products like this before. They promise some done for you system, but you will never get any system. If there is really a system, they will show screenshots of it, as well as a demo video of how their software is going to work.
No such thing. It simply means all they will be giving you is some generic training, which is supposed to help you make money online. Some outdated PDF files, at best along with some video training. That’s all that you will get.
It will never make you $13K in the next 7 days. That’s too atrocious. Not even in the next 7 months.
Products like this target the human weakness to want instant gratification without doing any work. So they promise something done for you, that can get you rich quick. As it turns out, the only ones getting rich are the owners of this product.
You do not have to spend a single cent to get this kind of low quality training. There is so much great information available on the internet these days, all for free.
But, if you want to make some serious money online, you do need to find proven methods that have worked for successful internet marketers. And I’m going to show you what I think is the best method.
This has worked for me and countless people
How I’m making an online income right now, is through this business model called affiliate marketing. To me, it is a neat and hassle-free way to make money online.
In affiliate marketing, you do not have to own any product. You simple promote other people’s products. When customers make purchases through your affiliate links, you get to earn a commission.
It’s simple and straightforward, but nothing is easy in life. People have made a full time income, and even more, out of affiliate marketing. But they were first willing to put in the hard work, just like any kind of success you want in life.
I choose this method because I do not have to own products or store any inventory. No need to deal with delivery, customer complaints and refunds, or unreliable suppliers. Because the sales transactions take place between customers and retailers directly.
My role in the model is simply to drive business to these retailers.
The earning potential is huge here, because of how the vast majority of people in this information age have taken their shopping online.
So I simply tap on the millions of products already existing in the market, and send buyer traffic to the retailers.
If this sounds good to you, click on the link below to learn the exact steps that you can take, to build your very own online business.
–>>> My #1 recommendation to make money online <<<–
Pros of 24/7 Wealth Club
1. Money back guarantee
This basic refund policy is in place, for people who are dissatisfied with the product. But take your case through ClickBank, which is the legitimate affiliate platform on this this product is selling, instead of trying to email the contact of the product directly.
Sadly, this is the only plus point that I can think of.
Cons of 24/7 Wealth Club
1. Too many red flags
Owner does not show himself or herself.
Product cloaked in secrecy, making you feel privileged to have access.
Fake scarcity.
Millionaires created with this method? Nothing to substantiate this claim, especially when the website is such a newly created one.
Unrealistic income claims.
No detail on what method is to be used to make money.
2. Upsells
It does not end at $37 if you purchase 24/7 Wealth Club. Once you make the purchase, you will be bombarded with very expensive upsells, even before you get any chance to try out the front end product to see if it works for you or not. This is how much they care for your well-being.

This is so crazy. These scammers know that the best time to get people to make even more purchases is when their wallets are outside the pockets, when they just bought the front end product.
So they will try to sell you these aggressively, many times as one-click upsells, since they just obtained your payment details through the front end product purchase.
They also know that they have to strike while the iron is hot, because after you figure out what you are really getting inside 24/7 Wealth Club, they know they will never hear from you again.
Is 24/7 Wealth Club Scam or legit?
To me, 24/7 Wealth Club is a scam. It is as useless as many of the other products I have reviewed, like Cash Sniper, 9 to 5 Job Killer, and Viral Vidly, to name just a few.
I absolutely do not recommend 24/7 Wealth Club.
The good news is:
There are proven ways to make money online. Many people fail at it because they keep going for shiny objects, thinking there is some secret formula to getting rich.
I’m going to tell you this: there is no secret.
The only secret is to find a proven path, and then give it your time and effort to build up your online business.
For any beginner in internet marketing, I’d always recommend affiliate marketing, because it’s a no-hassle method, that allows you to take your work anywhere, as long as you have a laptop and internet connection.
It is also a very low cost method, which should be the direction that all beginners take, since most people won’t have excess cash to start with.
Getting traffic to your online business is another key to its success. You can spend thousands of dollars on paid traffic and not getting any returns on investment because you are too inexperienced to know what you are doing, or you can go for free traffic like me.
To me, paid traffic is too risky, because it takes lots of testing of your advertising campaigns to figure out your target audience, what appeals to them, where exactly to find them, etc. It’s a learn-as -you-do kind of thing. Which also means pay-as-you-learn.
If you want to see the exact method that I am using to get free, targeted traffic to my affiliate marketing offers, click on the button below to hop over to another post, where I have it documented in greater detail:
And for reading all the way to the end of the post, I believe you have it in you to make this work. Here is your FREE PDF Guide: 4 Simple Steps to Making Money Online. Fill in your details to claim it:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding this 24/7 Wealth Club review, do comment below, and we will start a conversation from there.